Page 131 - Mellinato, Giulio, and Aleksander Panjek. Eds. 2022. Complex Gateways. Labour and Urban History of Maritime Port Cities: The Northern Adriaticin a Comparative Perspective. Koper: University of Primorska Press.
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ted by G. Borruso, G. Maggi, L. Jakomin and M. Počuča, 13–106.
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Paris: OECD.
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of Port Facilities.’ International Journal of Maritime History 2 (2):
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Shen, S., and W. Chan. 2018. ‘A Comparative Study of the Belt and Road
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In Dynamic Shipping and Port Development in the Globalized Economy,
edited by P. T.-W. Lee and K. Cullinane, vol. 1, 198–218. New York:
Lodato, F. 2000. ‘Il porto franco di Trieste dalla pace di Parigi al memo-
randum di Londra (1947–1954): il ruolo politico-economico del por-
to franco nella questione di Trieste.’ In Internazionalità e storicità
del Porto Franco di Trieste, edited by F. Querci A., F. Trampus and F.
Lodato, 193–339. Trieste: EUT.
Loyen, R., E. Buyst, and G. Devos, eds. 2003. Struggling for Leadership:
Antwerp-Rotterdam Port Competition between 1870–2000. Berlin:
Maggi, G., and G. Borruso. 1996. ‘Fondazione e sviluppo del porto di
Trieste.’ In I porti dell’Alto Adriatico: Trieste, Capodistria, Fiume, edi-
ted by G. Borruso, G. Maggi, L. Jakomin and M. Počuča, 13–106.
Trieste: Lint.
Mellinato, G., M. Scrignar, and V. Staccioli. 2004. ‘Il porto ed il sistema
economico triestino 1901–1966, dati statistici.’ In L’evoluzione del-
le strutture portuali della Trieste moderna tra ‘800 e ‘900, edited by T.
Grazia, 43–50. Trieste.
OECD. 2006. Territorial Reviews: Competitive Cities in the Global Economy.
Paris: OECD.
Palmer, S. 1990. ‘Book Review: Shipping Companies and Authorities in the
19th and 20th Centuries: Their Common Interest in the Development
of Port Facilities.’ International Journal of Maritime History 2 (2):
———. 2020. ‘History of the Ports.’ The International Journal of Maritime
History 32 (2): 426–33.
Park, R. K., and P. De. 2004. ‘An Alternative Approach to Efficiency
Measurement of Seaports Port Management.’ Maritime Economics
& Logistics 6 (1): 53–69.
Rohou, B., S. Laube, and S. Garlatti. 2017. ‘The Port History Ontology.’
In New Trends in Databases and Information Systems, edited by M.
Kirikova et al., 363–72. Cham: Springer.
Serra, R. 1954. Luci e ombre nell'economia triestina. Trieste: Smolars.
Shen, S., and W. Chan. 2018. ‘A Comparative Study of the Belt and Road
Initiative and the Marshall plan.’ Palgrave Communications 4 (1): 32.