Page 125 - Dark Shades of Istria
P. 125
6.3 wwii-Related Memorial Practices and Dark Tourism
Figure 6.9
Tourists at the Memorial
to the Victim of
Nazi-Fascist Terror on the
Rovinj Waterfront
additional Istrian cities, Poreč and Umag, celebrate their municipal
public holiday as a remembrance of the liberation in wwi i;
• Višnjan and the Memorial Area of Tičanj near Štuti (see also the map
in Figure 6.7) host a traditional September commemoration of local
character (Rimanić, 2017);
• the anniversary of the proclamation of the ‘Istrian people’ (Istarski
narode) of the district National Liberation Committee of Istria,
which announced the unification of Istria with the Croatian moth-
erland on 13 September 1943 in Pazin. In addition, On 25 and 26
September, a session of the Istrian People’s Representatives was held
in Pazin, where the decision on the unification with Croatia was con-
firmed.³⁸ The celebration of 25 September as the Day of the Istrian
County clearly shows the signification of these historic moments to
the Istrian people. On this occasion, a solemn session of the Pazin
Assembly with high-level political representatives and representa-
tives of anti-fascist associations is held in addition to the flower- and
³⁸ More about that in Drndić (1991), who personally participated in these historic events.
Figure 6.9
Tourists at the Memorial
to the Victim of
Nazi-Fascist Terror on the
Rovinj Waterfront
additional Istrian cities, Poreč and Umag, celebrate their municipal
public holiday as a remembrance of the liberation in wwi i;
• Višnjan and the Memorial Area of Tičanj near Štuti (see also the map
in Figure 6.7) host a traditional September commemoration of local
character (Rimanić, 2017);
• the anniversary of the proclamation of the ‘Istrian people’ (Istarski
narode) of the district National Liberation Committee of Istria,
which announced the unification of Istria with the Croatian moth-
erland on 13 September 1943 in Pazin. In addition, On 25 and 26
September, a session of the Istrian People’s Representatives was held
in Pazin, where the decision on the unification with Croatia was con-
firmed.³⁸ The celebration of 25 September as the Day of the Istrian
County clearly shows the signification of these historic moments to
the Istrian people. On this occasion, a solemn session of the Pazin
Assembly with high-level political representatives and representa-
tives of anti-fascist associations is held in addition to the flower- and
³⁸ More about that in Drndić (1991), who personally participated in these historic events.