Page 176 - Dark Shades of Istria
P. 176
Istrian Memories in the Dark Tourism Context: The Qualitative Analysis

Sabba (Rižarna) in Trieste or other concentration camps. The Italian Bat-
talion was completely broken in the battle (G. M., 2007; Ivančič, n.d.; Vla-
hov, 1986, p. 93).

In 1959, the monument in Kućibreg and the vault in Hrvoji, symbols
of the heroic fight for freedom and the common struggle of all three au-
tochthone Istrian nations, were constructed (G. M., 2007; Ivančič, n.d.).
It is worth mentioning the meaningful trilingual inscription on the mon-
ument, which also has a clear regional connotation:

To the farewell and lasting memory of the brave combatants of
Slovene, Croatian and Italian nationality, loyal sons of Istria, insepa-
rable comrades in the battle and in death, who as brothers, shoulder
to shoulder, gave their life for their goals, that we can live better in

In these specific (memorial) circumstances, the common traditional
dark commemorative event, heavily anchored in the collective memory,
is held each year at the vault of fallen Partisans at the cemetery in Hrvoji,
after which the main part takes place at the monument in Kućibreg.

the dark commemorative event description:
73rd anniversary of the battle

The 73rd anniversary of the Battle of Kućibreg was held on 5 November
2017, beginning with a brief flower-laying ceremony at the mass grave in
Hrvoji (this part was not observed for logistical reasons). Political rep-
resentatives of all Istrian municipalities in Slovenia and the Northern Is-
trian County (so called Bujština) as well as of the Istrian County, repre-
sentatives of wwi i veterans’ organisations, their sympathisers and sup-
porters, the media, and many other visitors from all over Istria and the
neighbouring regions in Slovenia, Croatia and Italy participated at the
following main event at the monument in Kućibreg. According to vehicle
registration plates and inscriptions on buses parked on the parking lot
(on the meadow; Figure 8.9) that was prepared and managed especially
for this occasion, many came also from other parts of Slovenia and Croa-
tia. All these additionally gave the event a (dark) tourism feel. Stands with
local food and agricultural delicacies only reinforced this feeling. Many
flags from the three neighbouring Upper Adriatic Countries or regions
as well as those of wwi i veteran organisations from those countries gave
a ceremonial/formal touch to the event. The Partisan choral music ac-
companiment was intended for the attending visitors. Despite consider-

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