Page 204 - Dark Shades of Istria
P. 204
Istrian Memories in the Dark Tourism Context: The Quantitative Analysis

of members of this cluster. Flower ceremonies, as an important compo-
nent of the programme, are highly significant for this cluster (Mo = 16).
Among politicians, only local politicians participate at such events (Mo =
13; most of all). Mixed generations of visitors are characteristic of Clus-
ter 2 (Mo = 15), and foreign politicians are not present in the analysed
events. Young visitors are characteristic only of members of this cluster –
Mo = 12. Mass visits are clearly not characterising of these events. Natu-
rally, symbols of fascism are also predictably not present, while symbols
of anti-fascism are typical only for these events (or media reports on these

cluster 3: mixed dark commemorative events
The ‘Mixed memorial events’ cluster with f = 25 is the largest cluster of all,
where the media relies on historical facts in the most significant way when
reporting on such events (Mo = 23). These events occur mostly in towns
(Mo = 10). Exactly 56 of cluster members are wwi i-related; except for
fascism- and independence-related events, this cluster contains events re-
lated to all other conflicts of the 20th century (the most inhomogeneous
cluster), where those related to the post-w w i i socialist revolution and
the Italian exodus, as the second largest group, account for 20 of all
cluster members. Memorial services (Mo = 17) as event types, memorials
or internment sites (Mo = 13) as categories of sites where events occur,
flower ceremonies (Mo = 17) at the event, and the presence of mixed gen-
erations of visitors (Mo = 22; the most pronounced among all clusters) are
important characteristics of these events. Other features are not generally
typical for it.

c lu st e r 4 : i n de pe n de n c e wa r- re l at e d da rk
commemorative events
Events related to the military conflict in 1990s and the independence war
are the third largest group/cluster (f = 13); among historical facts men-
tioned at events (Mo = 11), the independence war of the 1990s is the dom-
inating one (Mo = 12). The National Day of Mourning and Remembrance
with Mo = 7 is the main event type, although Mo = 6 shows that memorial
services are also common. All events (cluster members) occur at memo-
rials or internment sites, which are located in Istrian towns (Mo = 6).
Most likely to participate are local politicians (46.15 of cluster mem-
bers); foreign visitors (Mo = 7) as well as foreign politicians (Mo = 8)
are not present in the analysed events, which means that only domes-

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