Page 200 - Dark Shades of Istria
P. 200
rian Memories in the Dark Tourism Context: The Quantitative Analysis
Table 9.2 Characteristics of Included Reports
Characteristic Group f
q Newspaper Glas Istre
q Previously published La voce del popolo
q Report type Primorske novice
q No. of photos Yes
q What kind of photos? No
Short message
A shortened version of the printed report
Full text
No photos
One photo
More than one photo
Only old/historical
Only new photos
Both new and historical
9.2 Raw Data for Statistical Analysis
Exactly 126 reports from 34 consecutive months were included in the
analysis, which is at the lower limit of acceptability. A total of 65 were
published in the main regional newspaper (Glas Istre) in the Croatian lan-
guage, while Slovenian and Italian newspapers account for more than 10
each. The vast majority of reports covering this subject and the place of
the event were not previously published (80); this variable was needed
because we collected reports for almost three years and some events were
repeated, which would be problematic in connection to rq4 and rq6. In
addition, online reports were mostly full text reports with a single photo
taken at the event by a journalist or their photographer. These basic (for-
mal) characteristics are also presented in Table 9.2.
In contrast to rq4 and rq6, which do not require more complex sta-
tistical analysis and preliminary row data verification, rq5 requires more
complex statistical processing of row data. We first have to check the as-
sociation between categorical variables. For TwoStep cluster analysis it is
assumed, in addition to multinomial distributions for categorical vari-
ables, also that the variables are independent of each other. Thus, the
nonparametric χ2 Test of Independence was employed first – the test was
conducted at p = 0.05. Some deviations were identified that call for cor-
rective actions with no significant negative effect on the quality of the
Table 9.2 Characteristics of Included Reports
Characteristic Group f
q Newspaper Glas Istre
q Previously published La voce del popolo
q Report type Primorske novice
q No. of photos Yes
q What kind of photos? No
Short message
A shortened version of the printed report
Full text
No photos
One photo
More than one photo
Only old/historical
Only new photos
Both new and historical
9.2 Raw Data for Statistical Analysis
Exactly 126 reports from 34 consecutive months were included in the
analysis, which is at the lower limit of acceptability. A total of 65 were
published in the main regional newspaper (Glas Istre) in the Croatian lan-
guage, while Slovenian and Italian newspapers account for more than 10
each. The vast majority of reports covering this subject and the place of
the event were not previously published (80); this variable was needed
because we collected reports for almost three years and some events were
repeated, which would be problematic in connection to rq4 and rq6. In
addition, online reports were mostly full text reports with a single photo
taken at the event by a journalist or their photographer. These basic (for-
mal) characteristics are also presented in Table 9.2.
In contrast to rq4 and rq6, which do not require more complex sta-
tistical analysis and preliminary row data verification, rq5 requires more
complex statistical processing of row data. We first have to check the as-
sociation between categorical variables. For TwoStep cluster analysis it is
assumed, in addition to multinomial distributions for categorical vari-
ables, also that the variables are independent of each other. Thus, the
nonparametric χ2 Test of Independence was employed first – the test was
conducted at p = 0.05. Some deviations were identified that call for cor-
rective actions with no significant negative effect on the quality of the