Page 233 - Dark Shades of Istria
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Berezin, M. (1997). Making the fascist self: The political culture of interwar Italy.
Cornell University Press.
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Bhambra, G. K. (2011). Historical sociology, modernity, and postcolonial cri-
tique. The American Historical Review, 116(3), 653–662.
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Biran, A., Poria, Y., & Oren, G. (2011). Sought experiences at (dark) heritage sites.
Annals of Tourism Research, 38(3), 820–841.
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Bogdan, J. (2014). Miroslav Bulešić kao uzor i nadahnuće za svećenike danas.
Riječki teološki časopis, 43(1), 41–54.
Bonnell, V. E. (1980). The uses of theory, concepts and comparison in historical
sociology. Comparative Studies in Society and History, 22(2), 156–173.
Belhassen, Y., Uriely, N., & Assor, O. (2014). The touristification of a conflict
zone: The case of Bil’in. Annals of Tourism Research, 49, 174–189.
Bell, D. (1976). The coming of post-industrial society: A venture in social forecast-
ing. Basic Books.
Beltram, V. (Ed.). (2017). Slovenska Istra v boju za svobodo. Združenje protifašis-
tov, borcev za vrednote n ob in veteranov Koper.
Benevol, L. (2016). Odkritje obeležja veteranom vojne za Slovenijo 2016. Zveza
slovenskih častnikov.
Benčić, A. (2016). Teorijska konceptualizacija kolektivnih sjećanja u sociologiji
i srodnim društvenim znanostima. Društvena istraživanja: časopis za opća
društvena pitanja, 25(1), 1–19.
Benussi, B. (1923). Pola nelle sue istituzioni municipali dal 1797 al 1918. Società
istriana di archeologia e storia patria.
Berdavs, J., & Kerma, S. (2009). Borders in Istria as a factor of territorial
(dis)integration. In M. Sobczyński (Ed.), Historical regions divided by the
borders: General problems and regional issue (pp. 113–126). University of
Łódź, Department of Political Geography and Regional Studies & Govern-
mental Research Institute, Silesian Institute in Opole & Silesian Institute
Berezin, M. (1997). Making the fascist self: The political culture of interwar Italy.
Cornell University Press.
Best, M. (2007). Norfolk Island: Thanatourism, history and visitor emotions.
Shima: The International Journal of Research into Island Cultures, 1(2), 30–
Bhambra, G. K. (2011). Historical sociology, modernity, and postcolonial cri-
tique. The American Historical Review, 116(3), 653–662.
Bigley, J. D., Lee, C.-K., Chon, J., & Yoon, Y. (2010). Motivations for war-related
tourism: A case of dmz visitors in Korea. Tourism Geographies, 12(3), 371–
Biran, A., Poria, Y., & Oren, G. (2011). Sought experiences at (dark) heritage sites.
Annals of Tourism Research, 38(3), 820–841.
Blažević, I. (1984). Turizam Istre. Savez geografskih društava Hrvatske.
Blažević, I. (1987). Povijest turizma Istre i Kvarnera. i ro Otokar Keršovani.
Blom, T. (2000). Morbid tourism – A postmodern market niche with an example
from Althorp. Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift – Norwegian Journal of Geogra-
phy, 54(1), 29–36.
Bogdan, J. (2014). Miroslav Bulešić kao uzor i nadahnuće za svećenike danas.
Riječki teološki časopis, 43(1), 41–54.
Bonnell, V. E. (1980). The uses of theory, concepts and comparison in historical
sociology. Comparative Studies in Society and History, 22(2), 156–173.