Page 154 - Weiss, Jernej, ur./ed. 2023. Glasbena društva v dolgem 19. stoletju: med ljubiteljsko in profesionalno kulturo ▪︎ Music societies in the long 19th century: Between amateur and professional culture. Koper/Ljubljana: Založba Univerze na Primorskem in Festival Ljubljana. Studia musicologica Labacensia, 6
P. 154
glasbena društva v dolgem 19. stoletju: med ljubiteljsko in profesionalno kulturo

min von Kallaý, state government of Bosnia and Herzegovina, city coun-
cils of Sarajevo and Mostar. Sarajevo “Männergesangverein” offered to be
the host, and it was planned that the participants would be accommodated
in local hotels. It was also noted that besides concerts in Sarajevo, the soci-
atey intended to appear in Mostar during their two-day stay there, and then
go to Split. The return to Austria was scheduled for 19 June, and to Vienna
for 20 June 1892.30 The visit and its progress was also covered in the main
Bosnian and Herzegovinian newspaper Sarajevski list, which announced
the visit of “Vienna singers” as early as in March.31 According to this news-
paper, the visit to Sarajevo was to take place from 12 to 16 June 1892, and it
strove to report on every detail of the visit. It published the complete sched-
ule based on which it can be concluded that the visit consisted of both con-
certs and a rich plan of socializing which included sightseeing (Bezistan,
Čaršija, Husrev-beg’s mosque, coffee shop at Bentbaša, Catholic cathedral,
Serbian old and new church, silversmithers’ shops and rug weavers’ shops).

A total of 250 guests arrived from Vienna, around 100 of whom were
singers,32 and the plan was that they would tour the city divided into five
groups. The main host of the event, Sarajevo “Männergesangverein,” was
assisted by the Serbian Orthodox Church Singing society “Sloga” for the

The schedule of visit for the first day, 12 June 1892, consisted of the
symbolic welcome walk in front of the Provincial Government, a proces-
sion through the city accompanied by military orchestra, and then a re-
ception in the Community Center organized by members of “Männerge-
sangverein.”34 Interestingly, the reception in the Community Center and
a meeting of joint support members of both societies in the Military Hall
took place at the same time, which indicates the intention to form new con-
nections.35 The gatherings were followed by military orchestra, which mu-
sically “accompanied” the whole visit of guests from Vienna. It should be

30 Anon., “Gesangverein Österreichischer Eisenbahnbeamter,” Deutsche Musik-Zei­
tung, no. 14 (10 May 1892): 133.

31 Anon., “Bečki pjevači u Sarajevu (Mali vjesnik),” Sarajevski list, no. 37 (27 March
1892): 2.

32 Anon., “Pjevači iz Beča (Mali vjesnik),” Sarajevski list, no. 69 (8 June 1892): 1.
33 At the moment of the visit by the “Singing society of Vienna railway clerks,” the two

societies were the only choral societies in Sarajevo.
34 Anon., “Muško pjevačko društvo u Sarajevu – Svečani raspored,” Sarajevski list, no.

70 (10 June 1892): 3.
35 Ibid.

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