Page 158 - Weiss, Jernej, ur./ed. 2023. Glasbena društva v dolgem 19. stoletju: med ljubiteljsko in profesionalno kulturo ▪︎ Music societies in the long 19th century: Between amateur and professional culture. Koper/Ljubljana: Založba Univerze na Primorskem in Festival Ljubljana. Studia musicologica Labacensia, 6
P. 158
glasbena društva v dolgem 19. stoletju: med ljubiteljsko in profesionalno kulturo
1905. For local musical conditions, “Schubertbund” was a musical sensa-
tion, and the system of organizing the visit of 1892 was used this time as
well. The organization of the visit again included the diligent writing of the
local and Austrian press, spotless functioning of the organization commit-
tee headed by “Männergesanverein,” the visit which included socializing
and sightseeing, and then two concerts – a charity one in the Community
Center and one at Ilidža.47
Members of “Schubertbund” led by social choirmaster Adolf Kirchl,
opera singer Antun Moser, soloist Ferdinand Soeser and double bass player
Eduard Madenski arrived in Sarajevo by a special train, and were greeted
at the station by “Männergesanverein.” President of “Männergesangverein”
– mister Grassl warmly welcomed the 148 guests and 12 reporters, and the
welcome greetings were also extended by members of Sarajevo choral so-
cieties “Trebević”, “La Lira” and “Teachers’ Society.”48 The presence of lo-
cal societies reflected the degree of significance of the visit for the circum-
stances of Sarajevo musical life, which indicated that the local community
was interested in deepening ties with foreign associations, as well as in mu-
sical trends promoted by them.
Judging by the writing of the daily Bosnische Post, the visit was organ-
ized to the smallest detail. After a short tour of the city, a formal banquet
was organized in the hall of the Community Center, where members of
“Schubertbund”, “Mannergesangverein”, support members of the societies
and reputable members of political life exchanged impressions of the visit.
The long-awaited moment of the second day of the visit was the charity con-
cert organized in the Community Center, adorned by a rich repertoire.49
The first concert of “Schubertbund” was characterized by artistic qual-
ity which was a novelty for local choral societies. The concert was led by Ad-
olf Kirchl, who successfully guided through the performance the choir, roy-
al opera singer Anton Moser and the concert singer and double bass player
Eduard Madenski. The music repertoire consisting of works by Franz Schu-
bert, Ernst Schimd, Eduard Schön (E.S. Engelsberg), Robert Schumann,
47 Anon., “Bečki ‘Schubertbund’ u Sarajevu (Mali vjesnik),” Sarajevski list, no. 72 (18
June 1905): 3; Anon., “Bečki ‘Schubertbund’ u Sarajevu (Mali vjesnik),” Sarajevski
list, no. 84 (16 July 1905): 2.
48 Anon., “Bečki ‘Schubertbund’ u Sarajevu (Mali vjesnik),” Sarajevski list, no. 85 (19
July 1905): 2.
49 Anon., “Reise des ‘Schubertbund’ nach Bosnien-Hercegovina,” Bosnische Post, no.
135 (14 June 1905): 2.
1905. For local musical conditions, “Schubertbund” was a musical sensa-
tion, and the system of organizing the visit of 1892 was used this time as
well. The organization of the visit again included the diligent writing of the
local and Austrian press, spotless functioning of the organization commit-
tee headed by “Männergesanverein,” the visit which included socializing
and sightseeing, and then two concerts – a charity one in the Community
Center and one at Ilidža.47
Members of “Schubertbund” led by social choirmaster Adolf Kirchl,
opera singer Antun Moser, soloist Ferdinand Soeser and double bass player
Eduard Madenski arrived in Sarajevo by a special train, and were greeted
at the station by “Männergesanverein.” President of “Männergesangverein”
– mister Grassl warmly welcomed the 148 guests and 12 reporters, and the
welcome greetings were also extended by members of Sarajevo choral so-
cieties “Trebević”, “La Lira” and “Teachers’ Society.”48 The presence of lo-
cal societies reflected the degree of significance of the visit for the circum-
stances of Sarajevo musical life, which indicated that the local community
was interested in deepening ties with foreign associations, as well as in mu-
sical trends promoted by them.
Judging by the writing of the daily Bosnische Post, the visit was organ-
ized to the smallest detail. After a short tour of the city, a formal banquet
was organized in the hall of the Community Center, where members of
“Schubertbund”, “Mannergesangverein”, support members of the societies
and reputable members of political life exchanged impressions of the visit.
The long-awaited moment of the second day of the visit was the charity con-
cert organized in the Community Center, adorned by a rich repertoire.49
The first concert of “Schubertbund” was characterized by artistic qual-
ity which was a novelty for local choral societies. The concert was led by Ad-
olf Kirchl, who successfully guided through the performance the choir, roy-
al opera singer Anton Moser and the concert singer and double bass player
Eduard Madenski. The music repertoire consisting of works by Franz Schu-
bert, Ernst Schimd, Eduard Schön (E.S. Engelsberg), Robert Schumann,
47 Anon., “Bečki ‘Schubertbund’ u Sarajevu (Mali vjesnik),” Sarajevski list, no. 72 (18
June 1905): 3; Anon., “Bečki ‘Schubertbund’ u Sarajevu (Mali vjesnik),” Sarajevski
list, no. 84 (16 July 1905): 2.
48 Anon., “Bečki ‘Schubertbund’ u Sarajevu (Mali vjesnik),” Sarajevski list, no. 85 (19
July 1905): 2.
49 Anon., “Reise des ‘Schubertbund’ nach Bosnien-Hercegovina,” Bosnische Post, no.
135 (14 June 1905): 2.