Page 165 - Weiss, Jernej, ur./ed. 2023. Glasbena društva v dolgem 19. stoletju: med ljubiteljsko in profesionalno kulturo ▪︎ Music societies in the long 19th century: Between amateur and professional culture. Koper/Ljubljana: Založba Univerze na Primorskem in Festival Ljubljana. Studia musicologica Labacensia, 6
P. 165
Similarities and differences:
comparison of the Ljubljana Glasbena matica
and music societies in Zagreb (Croatia):
Hrvatski glazbeni zavod [the Croatian Music
Institute] and Hrvatsko pjevačko društvo
“Kolo” [the Croatian Singing Society “Kolo”]
Nada Bezić
Hrvaški glasbeni zavod
Croatian Music Institute
The comparison of the three music societies from two cities and (today)
two different countries – Slovenia and Croatia – gives us the opportuni-
ty to find basic common segments of their activities and learn something
about the musical life in Ljubljana and Zagreb in general. All three societies
fit into the trends of their historical periods respectively, above all regard-
ing activities of similar music societies, distinction being in the incompa-
rably greater development and importance. Although the main topic of the
36th Slovenski glasbeni dnevi symposium was Musical societies in the long
19th century, this research also covers two later periods in history: the years
following the Second World War and the situation today. This paper is an
outline for the comparison of the Glasbena matica, the Croatian Music In-
stitute and the Croatian Singing Society “Kolo”, main topics being: the ba-
sic information, the foundation, the name, the activities, the members, the
patrons, and the buildings.
Basic information
Croatian Music Institute (CMI) (Hrvatski glazbeni zavod) – Founded in Za-
greb in 1827 as a society of friends of music, Croatian Music Institute is to-
day the oldest cultural institution in Croatia. It has laid the foundation for
several basic segments of the musical life of Zagreb – concert organiza-
tion, music education and music publishing. In addition, it owns one of the
Similarities and differences:
comparison of the Ljubljana Glasbena matica
and music societies in Zagreb (Croatia):
Hrvatski glazbeni zavod [the Croatian Music
Institute] and Hrvatsko pjevačko društvo
“Kolo” [the Croatian Singing Society “Kolo”]
Nada Bezić
Hrvaški glasbeni zavod
Croatian Music Institute
The comparison of the three music societies from two cities and (today)
two different countries – Slovenia and Croatia – gives us the opportuni-
ty to find basic common segments of their activities and learn something
about the musical life in Ljubljana and Zagreb in general. All three societies
fit into the trends of their historical periods respectively, above all regard-
ing activities of similar music societies, distinction being in the incompa-
rably greater development and importance. Although the main topic of the
36th Slovenski glasbeni dnevi symposium was Musical societies in the long
19th century, this research also covers two later periods in history: the years
following the Second World War and the situation today. This paper is an
outline for the comparison of the Glasbena matica, the Croatian Music In-
stitute and the Croatian Singing Society “Kolo”, main topics being: the ba-
sic information, the foundation, the name, the activities, the members, the
patrons, and the buildings.
Basic information
Croatian Music Institute (CMI) (Hrvatski glazbeni zavod) – Founded in Za-
greb in 1827 as a society of friends of music, Croatian Music Institute is to-
day the oldest cultural institution in Croatia. It has laid the foundation for
several basic segments of the musical life of Zagreb – concert organiza-
tion, music education and music publishing. In addition, it owns one of the