Page 171 - Weiss, Jernej, ur./ed. 2023. Glasbena društva v dolgem 19. stoletju: med ljubiteljsko in profesionalno kulturo ▪︎ Music societies in the long 19th century: Between amateur and professional culture. Koper/Ljubljana: Založba Univerze na Primorskem in Festival Ljubljana. Studia musicologica Labacensia, 6
P. 171
similarities and differences: comparison of the ljubljana glasbena matica ...

To conclude: the name itself doesn’t tell us everything: the Croatian
Music Institute is not an institute but a society. On the other hand, the
Glasbena matica Ljubljana, although not “Slovenian” in its name, has had
its branches in other parts of Slovenia, and has been, from the time of its
foundation to this very day, a society of national importance, its full name
being: Cultural Society Glasbena matica Ljubljana (Kulturno društvo Glas­
bena matica Ljubljana).

Main activities are organization of concerts (at home and abroad), ensem-
bles (choir or / and orchestra), music education – schools / conservatories,
music libraries, music publishing, the building (with a concert hall), and
taking care for the heritage (memorials).

The Croatian Music Institute has had, through its history, almost all
segments of activities of all the three music societies in question – it start-
ed with a public concert by the amateur society orchestra, and for a short
period the Institute had also a choir. The orchestra had a need for a library,
then came the music school for education of young musicians and the audi-
ence, and publication of Croatian composers’ works, and, finally, the build-
ing of its own. It was similar with the “Kolo”, only the basis ensemble was a
choir. As a true national-oriented society, it has founded a tamburitza (Cro-
atian folk instrument tamburica) orchestra. Unlike the Zagreb societies,
the Glasbena matica started its activity with the publication of sheet mu-
sic. The first editions contained Slovenian authors’ compositions. Ten years
later, in 1882, the Glasbena matica founded a music school. A choir was not
founded until 1891.

The CMI and the Glasbena matica were exposed to the same circum-
stances after the First World War, when the state administration took over
management of their conservatories. The CMI started a concert establish-
ment already in 1917, and after the year 1920 organized a series of concerts
promoting domestic and contemporary compositions. The Glasbena mati-
ca founded a concert establishment in 1922. As for concerts of the ensem-
bles, The Glasbena matica and the “Kolo” had similar history: they both
had very successful performances and tours abroad (i. e. beyond the bor-
ders of the then current state).

There is a big difference between the CMI and the other societies, re-
garding memorials. Of course, it is connected with their mission of taking
care for the national culture and heritage. The “Kolo” was the first one in

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