Page 237 - Weiss, Jernej, ur./ed. 2023. Glasbena društva v dolgem 19. stoletju: med ljubiteljsko in profesionalno kulturo ▪︎ Music societies in the long 19th century: Between amateur and professional culture. Koper/Ljubljana: Založba Univerze na Primorskem in Festival Ljubljana. Studia musicologica Labacensia, 6
P. 237
the foundation of a free state is a free (music) association? continuity and change ...
ity of a member of the Association’s Committee, the idea to give advice on
such a thing as a “loose link” between the two associations, had the mem-
bers of both agreed to the process of merging? Nowhere in the Act of 1867
was anything like that envisaged. Did he by “loose link” only think of the
agreement according to which some of the prominent members of Glasbe-
na matica would join the Main Committee of Društvena godba (from Oc-
tober 23 onwards, the (first) Slovenian Philharmonic), as full members? Did
Milčinski who would soon become a high court judge in Ljubljana have in
mind a particularly novel legal frame?
Second, I would like to alert the future researchers to the fact, that
there in the Slovenian State Archives, one can find complementary archi-
val material, that was gathered and kept by the authorities, monitoring the
lives of the associations pre- and post-1918. I stumbled across a dossier on
the first Slovenian Philharmonic among several hundred non-related dos-
siers on associations from every walk of life in the fond of Kraljevska ban-
ska uprava Dravske banovine. It is neatly organised in the familiar vein
of good Habsburg administrating practice, where the dossier would con-
tain the documentation on all the previous forms of organisation of a giv-
en association. The dossier contains little less than a hundred pages of doc-
uments, and chronologically spans to the year 1901, and to the first Statute
of Ljubljanska meščanska godba,55 a precursor of the Ljubljanska društve-
na godba. Thus, it also contains the Statutes of the Slovenian Philharmon-
ic in all their subsequently changed variants, as well as those of its prede-
cessors, Ljubljanska društvena godba, together with the rest of the official
correspondence needed for successful application of the associations.56 For
the purpose of this contribution, I would only like to point to the somewhat
surprising document at the very top of the dossier, which is also seemingly
the last one, and with which the Association’s formal dissolution was con-
55 On a statute of “Ljubljanska meščanska godba” in a form of a manuscript, cf. Ibid.,
113, f. 195, stating its provenance from the Archives of Republic of Slovenia by a
no. 864, which at first seemed untraceable. See the citation of the much larger dos-
sier (spisovno gradivo), containing several versions of the statutes, and not only of
Meščanska godba, along with official correspondence, minutes of meetings etc.,
in the next footnote. I have given a more detailed explanation on the reconstruct-
ed three approaches to the sources on associations in the Archives via Kartoteka,
Kataster and Spisovno gradivo infra, in Bibliography, f. 81.
56 SI AS 68 XVI Kraljevska banska uprava Dravske banovine, 16 /2 (spisovno gradi-
vo), 13.001–17.000 for the year 1922, 13583. About the existence of the dossier, togeth-
er with its citation, I have duly notified the curator of the Music Collection at NUK,
where the archive of the first Slovenian Philharmonic is kept.
ity of a member of the Association’s Committee, the idea to give advice on
such a thing as a “loose link” between the two associations, had the mem-
bers of both agreed to the process of merging? Nowhere in the Act of 1867
was anything like that envisaged. Did he by “loose link” only think of the
agreement according to which some of the prominent members of Glasbe-
na matica would join the Main Committee of Društvena godba (from Oc-
tober 23 onwards, the (first) Slovenian Philharmonic), as full members? Did
Milčinski who would soon become a high court judge in Ljubljana have in
mind a particularly novel legal frame?
Second, I would like to alert the future researchers to the fact, that
there in the Slovenian State Archives, one can find complementary archi-
val material, that was gathered and kept by the authorities, monitoring the
lives of the associations pre- and post-1918. I stumbled across a dossier on
the first Slovenian Philharmonic among several hundred non-related dos-
siers on associations from every walk of life in the fond of Kraljevska ban-
ska uprava Dravske banovine. It is neatly organised in the familiar vein
of good Habsburg administrating practice, where the dossier would con-
tain the documentation on all the previous forms of organisation of a giv-
en association. The dossier contains little less than a hundred pages of doc-
uments, and chronologically spans to the year 1901, and to the first Statute
of Ljubljanska meščanska godba,55 a precursor of the Ljubljanska društve-
na godba. Thus, it also contains the Statutes of the Slovenian Philharmon-
ic in all their subsequently changed variants, as well as those of its prede-
cessors, Ljubljanska društvena godba, together with the rest of the official
correspondence needed for successful application of the associations.56 For
the purpose of this contribution, I would only like to point to the somewhat
surprising document at the very top of the dossier, which is also seemingly
the last one, and with which the Association’s formal dissolution was con-
55 On a statute of “Ljubljanska meščanska godba” in a form of a manuscript, cf. Ibid.,
113, f. 195, stating its provenance from the Archives of Republic of Slovenia by a
no. 864, which at first seemed untraceable. See the citation of the much larger dos-
sier (spisovno gradivo), containing several versions of the statutes, and not only of
Meščanska godba, along with official correspondence, minutes of meetings etc.,
in the next footnote. I have given a more detailed explanation on the reconstruct-
ed three approaches to the sources on associations in the Archives via Kartoteka,
Kataster and Spisovno gradivo infra, in Bibliography, f. 81.
56 SI AS 68 XVI Kraljevska banska uprava Dravske banovine, 16 /2 (spisovno gradi-
vo), 13.001–17.000 for the year 1922, 13583. About the existence of the dossier, togeth-
er with its citation, I have duly notified the curator of the Music Collection at NUK,
where the archive of the first Slovenian Philharmonic is kept.