Page 241 - Weiss, Jernej, ur./ed. 2023. Glasbena društva v dolgem 19. stoletju: med ljubiteljsko in profesionalno kulturo ▪︎ Music societies in the long 19th century: Between amateur and professional culture. Koper/Ljubljana: Založba Univerze na Primorskem in Festival Ljubljana. Studia musicologica Labacensia, 6
P. 241
the foundation of a free state is a free (music) association? continuity and change ...
the lack of it. There among the preserved archival material on the Orkes-
tralno društvo in NUK, an intriguing document issued by the police direc-
tor in Ljubljana in 1929 to the president Ivan Karlin, first aroused my atten-
tion and opened up for me an unexpected line of inquiry.65 From the official
letter, it was clear that there in the official evidence on the associations kept
by the authorities in Ljubljana, the Orkestralno društvo could not be found.
Later, the lack of any entry in the official ‘filing system’ (Kartoteka) on
the associations as well as in the so called Associations’ cadastre, kept in
the state Archives of the Republic of Slovenia, only confirmed my hypothe-
sis. Despite of its very name – Orkestralno društvo, the organisation of this
music corpus never legally amounted to an association in the sense of the
1867 Act, still applicable post-1918 in the newly founded State. It is my sur-
mise that at least to the jurists among the leadership of the Glasbena mat-
ica, such as Ravnihar and Lajovic, this was a very well known fact. In the
altered version of the Statutes of Glasbena matica, there in the article 28 in
both of the preserved copies in NUK someone crossed off the name Ork-
estralno društvo and wrote in hand the mere word orkester in front of it.
Picture 6: The alteration of the name Orkestralno društvo, in the Article 28 in one
of the two copies of the Statutes of Glasbena matcia from 1921, by someone having
crossed the name and replaced it with a sole word orchestra in front of it.
NUK, Music Collection, Pravila GM [Statutes of GM].
For the future research, I would like to contribute a further line of
questions. Why did the leadership of Glasbena matica already in 1919 in
its letter to the president of Orkestralno društvo, on the one hand, play
along in actually treating and naming the music corpus in question as an
65 NUK, Music Collection, fond GM, Okrestralno društvo, Dopisi O.
the lack of it. There among the preserved archival material on the Orkes-
tralno društvo in NUK, an intriguing document issued by the police direc-
tor in Ljubljana in 1929 to the president Ivan Karlin, first aroused my atten-
tion and opened up for me an unexpected line of inquiry.65 From the official
letter, it was clear that there in the official evidence on the associations kept
by the authorities in Ljubljana, the Orkestralno društvo could not be found.
Later, the lack of any entry in the official ‘filing system’ (Kartoteka) on
the associations as well as in the so called Associations’ cadastre, kept in
the state Archives of the Republic of Slovenia, only confirmed my hypothe-
sis. Despite of its very name – Orkestralno društvo, the organisation of this
music corpus never legally amounted to an association in the sense of the
1867 Act, still applicable post-1918 in the newly founded State. It is my sur-
mise that at least to the jurists among the leadership of the Glasbena mat-
ica, such as Ravnihar and Lajovic, this was a very well known fact. In the
altered version of the Statutes of Glasbena matica, there in the article 28 in
both of the preserved copies in NUK someone crossed off the name Ork-
estralno društvo and wrote in hand the mere word orkester in front of it.
Picture 6: The alteration of the name Orkestralno društvo, in the Article 28 in one
of the two copies of the Statutes of Glasbena matcia from 1921, by someone having
crossed the name and replaced it with a sole word orchestra in front of it.
NUK, Music Collection, Pravila GM [Statutes of GM].
For the future research, I would like to contribute a further line of
questions. Why did the leadership of Glasbena matica already in 1919 in
its letter to the president of Orkestralno društvo, on the one hand, play
along in actually treating and naming the music corpus in question as an
65 NUK, Music Collection, fond GM, Okrestralno društvo, Dopisi O.