Page 369 - Weiss, Jernej, ur./ed. 2023. Glasbena društva v dolgem 19. stoletju: med ljubiteljsko in profesionalno kulturo ▪︎ Music societies in the long 19th century: Between amateur and professional culture. Koper/Ljubljana: Založba Univerze na Primorskem in Festival Ljubljana. Studia musicologica Labacensia, 6
P. 369
the role and contribution of immigrant musicians to the music societies ...

in,141 founded by a teacher named Anton Tremel (1775–1849)142 from Szent-
gotthárd.143 By organizing musical evenings, the members144 of the associa-
tion raised money for charitable purposes. Other events were performed by
amateur musicians and members of the military band of the regiment sta-
tioned in Maribor at that time. Until 1841, musical life in Maribor was mod-
est as music only served to entertain and relax the citizens.145

The more diverse musical life in Maribor began only with the Mu-
sic Association (Musikverein), which had already been founded in 1825,
but became active only in 1841. The long-term goal of the association was
to organize public musical evenings (concerts and academies) with vocal
and instrumental performances once a month. The Kapellmeister was An-
dreas Nagy (c. 1799–1878), the other musicians were organist Carl Mar-
tini (c. 1813–1865),146 chorister Johann Jocha (1808–1873),147 music teach-

141 Rudolf Gustav Puff, Marburg in Steiermark (Graz: Andr. Leykam’schen Erben, 1847),

142 Anton Tremel was born in 1775 in Szentgotthárd (Ger. St. Gotthard). In 1798, he
moved to Maribor and married on 8 February 1801. He taught at a normal school
and a trivial school for girls. He was actively involved in the creation of an organ-
ized cultural life in Maribor. He was the initiator of the foundation of the Lese- und
Geselligkeitverein, the Musikverein and the founder and first chairman of the Män­
nergesangverein. He died on 5 May 1849 in Maribor. See: Nadškofijski arhiv Mari-
bor, Maribor-Sv. Janez Krstnik, sig. 01517, Trauungsbuch 1749–1836, fol. 168; Nadšk-
ofijski arhiv Maribor, Maribor-Sv. Janez Krstnik, sig. 01509, Sterbebuch: 1762–1859,
fol. 407; Kraševac, “Glasbeno življenje v Mariboru,” 44–5.

143 Kraševac, “Glasbeno življenje v Mariboru,” 44.
144 Among the musicians were Andreas Nagy, Franz Sperka, Klindara, Ruhri, Johann

Schlechta, Johann Peschke, Ems, Proy, Felber, Kartin, Schneeweiß, Wend, and Wen-
zel. See: Puff, Marburg in Steiermark, 264.
145 Kraševac, “Glasbeno življenje v Mariboru,” 59.
146 Carl Martini (also Karl Martiny) was an organist (“Domorganist”), chorister (“Dom-
choralist”) and regens chori at the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist in Maribor. As a
scribe, arranger and composer he contributed to the music collection of the Cathe-
dral. In the early 1860s, he was a Kapellmeister of the Municipal Orchestra (Städ­
tische Musikkapelle), and an orchestral director of the Municipal Theatre in Mar-
ibor. He died in Maribor on 26 December 1865. See: Nadškofijski arhiv Maribor,
Maribor-Sv. Janez Krstnik, sig. 01510, Sterbebuch 1858–1876, fol. 128; Anon., “Er-
ster Trompeter,” Tagespost, December 29, 1860, 5; A. Heinrich, ed., Deutscher Büh­
nen-Almanach (Berlin: Comissions-Verlag von Eduard Bloch, 1861), 202.
147 Johann Jocha was born on 2 February 1808 in Blažejov (ger. Blauenschlag), Bohe-
mia. He worked as a choral singer (choralist) in Maribor Cathedral and a teacher at
the Maribor Gymnasium. He married Katharina Koss on 16 October 1841 in Mar-
ibor, and died in the city on 11 July 1873. See: Nadškofijski arhiv Maribor, Mari-
bor-Sv. Janez Krstnik, sig. 01510, Sterbebuch: 1858–1876, fol. 320–321; Nadškofijski

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