Page 371 - Weiss, Jernej, ur./ed. 2023. Glasbena društva v dolgem 19. stoletju: med ljubiteljsko in profesionalno kulturo ▪︎ Music societies in the long 19th century: Between amateur and professional culture. Koper/Ljubljana: Založba Univerze na Primorskem in Festival Ljubljana. Studia musicologica Labacensia, 6
P. 371
the role and contribution of immigrant musicians to the music societies ...
vival of the musical life in the city. Due to the unusual composition of the
five members of the quartet, it can be assumed that Rafael played the dou-
ble bass, which is no longer part of a string quartet today.154
Ever since his family bought Wildhaus Castle (today’s Viltuš Castle)
near Maribor in 1808, the young music critic, composer and poet Baron
Heinrich Eduard Josef von Lannoy (1787–1853) was torn between Viltuš and
Vienna. In Viltuš he devoted himself to composing and poetry, and during
the concert season between autumn and spring stayed mainly in Vienna,
where he met many famous musicians, including Franz Liszt (1811–1886).155
His friendship with the famous pianist led to one of the most important
events in Maribor at a time when the recently opened railroad line between
Graz and Celje allowed faster and more comfortable travel to this Styrian
city. Lannoy organized Liszt’s concert tour of Styria in 1846, accompanying
him from Graz to Maribor and then to Rogaška Slatina.156 During the tour
of Styria, Liszt also stayed in the castle of Viltuš, and on this occasion Lan-
noy later dedicated one of his poems to the famous pianist.157
Lannoy’s acquaintance and friend of Franz Schubert, Anselm Hütten-
brenner (1794–1868), moved to Maribor in the autumn of 1852, as a guest of
the prominent and wealthy Baron Ferdinand von Rast and lived there in-
termittently until the autumn of 1858. There he devoted himself to teach-
ing piano and composing. The musical oeuvre he produced during this pe-
riod is unusually extensive. He composed numerous Lieder on text by his
host Ferdinand von Rast (Hilarius) plus many piano pieces, in addition to
orchestral overtures and church music.158
In 1855, the municipality in Maribor founded the Municipal Orchestra
(Städtische Musik-Kapelle), which was composed of members of Count Kin-
ski’s regimental band, the Maribor Music Association, and former pupils of
the association’s music school. Two years after the opening of the work-
shops, the Maribor Southern Railway Choral Society (Marburger Südbah
nliedertafel) was founded in 1865, followed by the Southern Railway Work-
shop Band (Südbahn-Werkstätten-Kapelle) in 1869. Some of the musicians
154 Motnik, “Z opernega odra na kor,” forthcoming.
155 Oskar Habjanič, “Miselni svet barona Eduarda pl. Lannoya (1787–1853),” Časopis za
zgodovino in narodopisje, no. 1–2 (2018): 24, 39, 50.
156 Hinko Druzovič, “Franc Liszt v Mariboru (16. 6. 1846),” Kronika slovenskih mest 1,
no. 3 (1934): 235–6.
157 Habjanič, “Miselni svet barona Eduarda pl. Lannoya,” 38.
158 Marko Motnik, “Anselm Hüttenbrenner in Lower Styria (1853–1858),” De musica
disserenda 18, no. 1–2 (2022): 126,
vival of the musical life in the city. Due to the unusual composition of the
five members of the quartet, it can be assumed that Rafael played the dou-
ble bass, which is no longer part of a string quartet today.154
Ever since his family bought Wildhaus Castle (today’s Viltuš Castle)
near Maribor in 1808, the young music critic, composer and poet Baron
Heinrich Eduard Josef von Lannoy (1787–1853) was torn between Viltuš and
Vienna. In Viltuš he devoted himself to composing and poetry, and during
the concert season between autumn and spring stayed mainly in Vienna,
where he met many famous musicians, including Franz Liszt (1811–1886).155
His friendship with the famous pianist led to one of the most important
events in Maribor at a time when the recently opened railroad line between
Graz and Celje allowed faster and more comfortable travel to this Styrian
city. Lannoy organized Liszt’s concert tour of Styria in 1846, accompanying
him from Graz to Maribor and then to Rogaška Slatina.156 During the tour
of Styria, Liszt also stayed in the castle of Viltuš, and on this occasion Lan-
noy later dedicated one of his poems to the famous pianist.157
Lannoy’s acquaintance and friend of Franz Schubert, Anselm Hütten-
brenner (1794–1868), moved to Maribor in the autumn of 1852, as a guest of
the prominent and wealthy Baron Ferdinand von Rast and lived there in-
termittently until the autumn of 1858. There he devoted himself to teach-
ing piano and composing. The musical oeuvre he produced during this pe-
riod is unusually extensive. He composed numerous Lieder on text by his
host Ferdinand von Rast (Hilarius) plus many piano pieces, in addition to
orchestral overtures and church music.158
In 1855, the municipality in Maribor founded the Municipal Orchestra
(Städtische Musik-Kapelle), which was composed of members of Count Kin-
ski’s regimental band, the Maribor Music Association, and former pupils of
the association’s music school. Two years after the opening of the work-
shops, the Maribor Southern Railway Choral Society (Marburger Südbah
nliedertafel) was founded in 1865, followed by the Southern Railway Work-
shop Band (Südbahn-Werkstätten-Kapelle) in 1869. Some of the musicians
154 Motnik, “Z opernega odra na kor,” forthcoming.
155 Oskar Habjanič, “Miselni svet barona Eduarda pl. Lannoya (1787–1853),” Časopis za
zgodovino in narodopisje, no. 1–2 (2018): 24, 39, 50.
156 Hinko Druzovič, “Franc Liszt v Mariboru (16. 6. 1846),” Kronika slovenskih mest 1,
no. 3 (1934): 235–6.
157 Habjanič, “Miselni svet barona Eduarda pl. Lannoya,” 38.
158 Marko Motnik, “Anselm Hüttenbrenner in Lower Styria (1853–1858),” De musica
disserenda 18, no. 1–2 (2022): 126,