Page 327 - Weiss, Jernej, ur./ed. 2025. Glasbena interpretacija: med umetniškim in znanstvenim┊Music Interpretation: Between the Artistic and the Scientific. Koper/Ljubljana: Založba Univerze na Primorskem in Festival Ljubljana. Studia musicologica Labacensia, 8
P. 327
Wolfgang Marx (
is Professor of Historical Musicology at University College Dublin and
President of the Society for Musicology in Ireland. His main research in-
terests include post-truth and music, György Ligeti, the representation of
death in music, and the theory of musical genres. His recent publications
include the edited volumes “I don’t belong anywhere.” György Ligeti at 100
(2022) and Music and Death (2023); he is also a general editor of Brill’s new
series Death in History, Culture, and Society and a member of the editorial
board of Studia Musicologica Labacensia.
Lidia Melnyk (
ist Professorin der Nationale Musikakademie „Mykola Lysenko“ in Lem-
berg, Ukraine, wo sie auch geboren wurde und studierte. Darüber hin-
aus unterrichtete sie in den letzten Jahren am Institut für Musikwissen-
schaft der Universität Wien (darunter das Vorlesungskurs „Einführung in
die Geschichte der ukrainischen Musik“) und an der Ukrainischen Frei-
en Universität in München. Mehr als 60 wissenschaftlichen Publikationen
der Musikwissenschaftlerin rundet aktive journalistische und redaktionel-
le Tätigkeit auf.
Naja Mohorič (
is an internationally renowned Slovenian harpist. As a soloist and cham-
ber music performer, she has performed at numerous festivals in Slovenia
and abroad (Brazil, Croatia, Italy, Portugal, Serbia, Switzerland). Her stu-
dents have been awarded several top prizes at national and international
competitions. Since 2021 she has been the Executive Director of the Inter-
national Association HarpMasters and Co-President of the Slovenian Harp
Association. On various occasions, she passes on her knowledge to young
harpists at masterclasses, most recently at the Escola Superior de Musica
de Lisboa (Portugal), the Liceo Classico e musicale C. Cavour in Turin (It-
aly) as well as the International HarpMasters Summer Academy (Italy and
Niall O’Loughlin (
studied music at the Universities of Edinburgh (MA) and Leicester (PhD)
and computing at the University of Oxford. He has specialised in the 20
and 21 -century music of Slovenia, the United Kingdom and Poland. His
book Novejša glasba v Sloveniji: osebnosti in razvoj was published in Lju-
bljana in 2000. He has written 35 papers for Slovene Music Days sympo-