Page 10 - Kavur, Boris, Marija Lubšina Tušek, 2016. Na stičišču svetov | On the Crossroad of Worlds. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem | University of Primorska Press.
P. 10
stičišču svetov ■ on the crossroad of worlds 8 naključnih odkritij zadnjih let odprl perspektive, ki so spectives that were unclear for decades and explained
desetletja ostajale nejasne in nedorečene, ter pojasnil historical processes reflecting economic and cultur-
zgodovinske procese, ki so bili odraz ekonomskih in al contacts in the Late Iron Age. Today, following the
kulturnih stikov v mlajši železni dobi. Tako lahko da- work of generations of archaeologists and standing on
nes, nadaljujoč delo generacij arheologov, stoječ na ra- the shoulders of giants, we can again evaluate the im-
menih velikanov ponovno ocenimo pomen keltske portance of Celtic archaeological heritage in the terri-
arheološke dediščine na področju vzhodne Sloveni- tory of eastern Slovenia and adequately present discov-
je ter ustrezno prikažemo odkritja s področja okolice eries from the territory of Ptuj and its surroundings in
Ptuja v kontekstu slovenske ter, predvsem zaradi med- the context of Slovenian and, especially due to the in-
narodnega značaja odkritij, evropske kulturne zgodo- ternational character of such discoveries, European
vine in arheološke dediščine. cultural history and archaeological heritage.
Zaradi specifične geografske lege današnjega ozem- Due to the specific geographic position of today’s Slo-
lja Slovenije ter njenih vplivov na poselitveno dinami- venia, influences on settlement dynamics and popula-
ko ter gibanja populacij v prostoru je težko govoriti o tion movements in space, it is difficult to speak about
etnični, tako splošni kot specifični, pripadnosti praz- the ethnic, general as well as specific, affiliation of pre-
godovinskih prebivalcev s tega prostora v prvem tisoč- historic communities on this territory in the first mil-
letju pred našim štetjem. Opazujoč arheološke podat- lennium BC. Observing archaeological data, we can
ke pa lahko železnodobne najdbe razdelimo vsaj v dva divide Iron Age communities at least into two larg-
večja sklopa – na starejšo in mlajšo železno dobo, pri er chronological complexes – into the Early and Late
čemer se zdi, da gre v zahodnem delu Slovenije veči- Iron Ages. It seems that in western Slovenia there was
noma v posameznih regijah za nepretrgan kulturni ra- continuous cultural development running since way
zvoj, ki se nadaljuje vse od sredine drugega tisočletja back in the middle of the 2nd millennium BC. On
pred našim štetjem, predvsem na vzhodu pa vsaj med other hand, in the East, there was a gap between the
starejšo in mlajšo železno dobo zija vrzel. Zdi se, da ages. It seems that radical changes reflected in alter-
pride do radikalnih sprememb, ki se odražajo v spre- ations of settlement patterns, technological modifi-
membah poselitvenih vzorcev, spremembah tehnolo- cations and radical transformation in the stylistic de-
gij ter radikalnih preobratih v slogovnem razvoju ma- velopment of material culture occurred at this time.
terialne kulture. Do nedavnega se je lahko na podlagi Having observed the archaeological record, it seemed
opazovanja arheoloških osTankóv sklepalo, da je pros- until recently that the territory of eastern Slovenia
tor vzhodne Slovenije po koncu 6. stoletja pred našim was deserted after the end of the 6th century BC. This
štetjem opustel, kar so povezovali z nomadskimi vdori was connected to the nomadic invasions and diseas-
desetletja ostajale nejasne in nedorečene, ter pojasnil historical processes reflecting economic and cultur-
zgodovinske procese, ki so bili odraz ekonomskih in al contacts in the Late Iron Age. Today, following the
kulturnih stikov v mlajši železni dobi. Tako lahko da- work of generations of archaeologists and standing on
nes, nadaljujoč delo generacij arheologov, stoječ na ra- the shoulders of giants, we can again evaluate the im-
menih velikanov ponovno ocenimo pomen keltske portance of Celtic archaeological heritage in the terri-
arheološke dediščine na področju vzhodne Sloveni- tory of eastern Slovenia and adequately present discov-
je ter ustrezno prikažemo odkritja s področja okolice eries from the territory of Ptuj and its surroundings in
Ptuja v kontekstu slovenske ter, predvsem zaradi med- the context of Slovenian and, especially due to the in-
narodnega značaja odkritij, evropske kulturne zgodo- ternational character of such discoveries, European
vine in arheološke dediščine. cultural history and archaeological heritage.
Zaradi specifične geografske lege današnjega ozem- Due to the specific geographic position of today’s Slo-
lja Slovenije ter njenih vplivov na poselitveno dinami- venia, influences on settlement dynamics and popula-
ko ter gibanja populacij v prostoru je težko govoriti o tion movements in space, it is difficult to speak about
etnični, tako splošni kot specifični, pripadnosti praz- the ethnic, general as well as specific, affiliation of pre-
godovinskih prebivalcev s tega prostora v prvem tisoč- historic communities on this territory in the first mil-
letju pred našim štetjem. Opazujoč arheološke podat- lennium BC. Observing archaeological data, we can
ke pa lahko železnodobne najdbe razdelimo vsaj v dva divide Iron Age communities at least into two larg-
večja sklopa – na starejšo in mlajšo železno dobo, pri er chronological complexes – into the Early and Late
čemer se zdi, da gre v zahodnem delu Slovenije veči- Iron Ages. It seems that in western Slovenia there was
noma v posameznih regijah za nepretrgan kulturni ra- continuous cultural development running since way
zvoj, ki se nadaljuje vse od sredine drugega tisočletja back in the middle of the 2nd millennium BC. On
pred našim štetjem, predvsem na vzhodu pa vsaj med other hand, in the East, there was a gap between the
starejšo in mlajšo železno dobo zija vrzel. Zdi se, da ages. It seems that radical changes reflected in alter-
pride do radikalnih sprememb, ki se odražajo v spre- ations of settlement patterns, technological modifi-
membah poselitvenih vzorcev, spremembah tehnolo- cations and radical transformation in the stylistic de-
gij ter radikalnih preobratih v slogovnem razvoju ma- velopment of material culture occurred at this time.
terialne kulture. Do nedavnega se je lahko na podlagi Having observed the archaeological record, it seemed
opazovanja arheoloških osTankóv sklepalo, da je pros- until recently that the territory of eastern Slovenia
tor vzhodne Slovenije po koncu 6. stoletja pred našim was deserted after the end of the 6th century BC. This
štetjem opustel, kar so povezovali z nomadskimi vdori was connected to the nomadic invasions and diseas-