Page 21 - Kavur, Boris, Marija Lubšina Tušek, 2016. Na stičišču svetov | On the Crossroad of Worlds. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem | University of Primorska Press.
P. 21
odigral pomembno vlogo kot organizator sestan- Exceeding his local importance in the development of

ka za pripravo projekta Arheološke karte Jugoslavije. the field of archeology, Skrabar organized the meet-

Prav dobra raziskanost arheoloških najdišč v okolici ing for the preparation of the Archaeological Map of

Ptuja, poznavanje odkritih najdb in zavzetost profe- Yugoslavia. A good state of knowledge about archae-

sorjev Balduina Sarie in Josipa Klemenca so omogo- ological sites and discoveries in the vicinity of Ptuj as

čili, da sta konec tridesetih let izšla dva zvezka, Blatt well as the enthusiasm of Professors Balduin Saria and
Ptuj leta 1936 ter Blatt Rogatec leta 1938, ki sta vsebova- Josip Klemenc enabled the publication at the end of
la tudi številne podatke o do tedaj poznanih prazgo- the 1930s of two volumes: Blatt Ptuj in 1936 and in 1938
dovinskih najdbah. Blat Rogatec. Both contained much information on
stoletje in pol odkrivanj ... ■ a century and half of discovering ... 19
Trideseta leta dvajsetega stoletja so bila obdobje obse- prehistoric finds that were known at the time.

žnih izkopavanj osTankóv rimskega mesta. Na njego- The 1930s were a period of large-scale excavations of

vem obrobju so bili leta 1935 na robu dravske terase na remains in the Roman town. In 1935, Spodnja Hajdi-

severovzhodnem delu vasi Spodnja Hajdina odkriti na discovered the first fragments of La Tène-style pot-

tudi prvi odlomki latenske keramike oziroma sledovi tery at the edge of the terrace of Drava River located

poselitve. Izvirali so iz plasti pod rimsko stavbo, ozna- on the village’s northeastern fringes. The remains of

čeno kot Q1, ki jo je Walter Schmid izkopaval v četr- a settlement were discovered in a layer below the Ro-

ti rimskega mesta, poimenovani Vicus Fortunae (Ka- man building designated as Q1, which was excavated

vur 2012e). by Walter Schmid in the district of the Roman town

Istega leta so v Kolaričevi gramoznici jugozahodno named Vicus Fortunae (Kavur 2012e).

od vasi Formin na njivah na terasi, ki pada proti poto- In the same year, Roman and La Tène cremation and

ku Zvirinčici, odkrili latenske in rimske žgane ter ske- skeletalgraveswerediscoveredinthegravelpitofKolar-

letne grobove. Velik del najdb, odkritih do leta 1940 je ič, located southwest of Formin village, on the fields of

prišel v Ptujski muzej, nekatere iz predvojne zbirke pa a terrace falling towards the Zvirinčica stream. A large

je leta 1963 kupil Pokrajinski muzej Maribor. Najdbe proportion of finds discovered until 1940 arrived at the

so se v gramoznici vrstile vse do leta 1939, ko je Muzej- museum in Ptuj, while some of the pre-war discoveries

sko društvo iz Ptuja sistematično izkopavalo del gro- were acquired in 1963 by the Regional Museum in Mar-

bišča (Vomer-Gojkovič, Kolar 1993, 43; Kavur 2012b) ibor. Discoveries were made until 1939, when the Mu-

(Slika 4). Nedaleč, na prvi dravski terasi, na delu, ki se seum Society in Ptuj systematically excavated a part
danes nahaja na umetnem otoku med kanalom hidro- of this cemetery (Vomer-Gojkovič, Kolar 1993, 43; Ka-

elektrarne Formin ter tokom reke Drave, so leta 1937 vur 2012b) (Figure 4). Not far away, on the first river ter-
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