Page 16 - Kavur, Boris, Marija Lubšina Tušek, 2016. Na stičišču svetov | On the Crossroad of Worlds. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem | University of Primorska Press.
P. 16
stičišču svetov ■ on the crossroad of worlds 14 terih so v tretjem stoletju krenile proti jugu vojske kelt- ritories of Central Europe and Pannonia as well as pre-
skih osvajalcev, po katerih so prihajali v drugem stole- historic Celtic Europe with Mediterranean civiliza-
tju sredozemski trgovci ter poti, po katerih so v prvem tions. Trails created in the middle of the 4th century
stoletju prikorakale rimske legije. BC by the first smaller groups of Celtic immigrants
were followed in the 3rd century BC by conquering ar-
*** mies, in the 2nd century by Mediterranean traders and
in the 1st century by Roman legions.
Pri nastanku te knjige so nama pomagali številni prija-
telji in sodelavci: Ivan Žižek, Aleksandra Nestorović, ***
Nejka Uršič in Boris Farič (Pokrajinski muzej Ptuj-
-Ormož), Maja Janežič in Danilo Cvetko (ZVKDS During the production of this book we were assisted
CPA), Andrej Magdič (ZVKDS OE Maribor), Sa- by numerous friends and collaborators: Ivan Žižek,
ška Colnarič (ZVKDS RC), Jonatan Vinkler, Mitja Aleksandra Nestorović, Nejka Uršič and Boris Farič
Guštin in Aleš Ogorelec (Univerza na Primorskem), (Regional museum Ptuj-Ormož), Maja Janežič and
Andrej Ferletic in Jana Šubic Prislan (Goriški muzej), Danilo Cvetko (ZVKDS CPA), Andrej Magdič
Jože Lorber (Posavski muzej Brežice), Duško Belić, Je- (ZVKDS OE Maribor), Saška Colnarič (ZVKDS
rica Kavur in Luder Tavit Sahagian. Za neskončno ra- RC), Jonatan Vinkler, Mitja Guštin and Aleš Ogore-
zumevanje in podporo pa se morava zahvaliti svojima lec (University of Primorskam), Andrej Ferletic
najbližjima Martini Blečić Kavur in Ivanu Tušku. and Jana Šubic Prislan (Goriški muzej), Jože Lorber
(Posavje museum Brežice), Duško Belić, Jerica Kavur
and Luder Tavit Sahagian. For endless understanding
and support we have to express our gratitude to our
closest Martina Blečić Kavur and Ivan Tušek.
skih osvajalcev, po katerih so prihajali v drugem stole- historic Celtic Europe with Mediterranean civiliza-
tju sredozemski trgovci ter poti, po katerih so v prvem tions. Trails created in the middle of the 4th century
stoletju prikorakale rimske legije. BC by the first smaller groups of Celtic immigrants
were followed in the 3rd century BC by conquering ar-
*** mies, in the 2nd century by Mediterranean traders and
in the 1st century by Roman legions.
Pri nastanku te knjige so nama pomagali številni prija-
telji in sodelavci: Ivan Žižek, Aleksandra Nestorović, ***
Nejka Uršič in Boris Farič (Pokrajinski muzej Ptuj-
-Ormož), Maja Janežič in Danilo Cvetko (ZVKDS During the production of this book we were assisted
CPA), Andrej Magdič (ZVKDS OE Maribor), Sa- by numerous friends and collaborators: Ivan Žižek,
ška Colnarič (ZVKDS RC), Jonatan Vinkler, Mitja Aleksandra Nestorović, Nejka Uršič and Boris Farič
Guštin in Aleš Ogorelec (Univerza na Primorskem), (Regional museum Ptuj-Ormož), Maja Janežič and
Andrej Ferletic in Jana Šubic Prislan (Goriški muzej), Danilo Cvetko (ZVKDS CPA), Andrej Magdič
Jože Lorber (Posavski muzej Brežice), Duško Belić, Je- (ZVKDS OE Maribor), Saška Colnarič (ZVKDS
rica Kavur in Luder Tavit Sahagian. Za neskončno ra- RC), Jonatan Vinkler, Mitja Guštin and Aleš Ogore-
zumevanje in podporo pa se morava zahvaliti svojima lec (University of Primorskam), Andrej Ferletic
najbližjima Martini Blečić Kavur in Ivanu Tušku. and Jana Šubic Prislan (Goriški muzej), Jože Lorber
(Posavje museum Brežice), Duško Belić, Jerica Kavur
and Luder Tavit Sahagian. For endless understanding
and support we have to express our gratitude to our
closest Martina Blečić Kavur and Ivan Tušek.