Page 81 - Kavur, Boris, Marija Lubšina Tušek, 2016. Na stičišču svetov | On the Crossroad of Worlds. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem | University of Primorska Press.
P. 81
ga dama
Another Lady

M Glajšeželeznodobni grob številka 7 je bil 79
vkopan v osrednji del starejšeželeznodob-
ne gomile 6. Jama je bila pravokotne obli- rave number 7 dated to the Late Iron Age
was dug into the central part of Early Iron
Age mound number 6. The pit was rectangu-

ke, dolga 3,16 in široka 1,16 metra ter usmerjena od se- lar in shape, 3.16-meters-long and 1.16-meters-wide. It
vera proti jugu (Slika 27). Zapolnjena je bila s temno was directed north-south (Figure 27). It was filled with
rjavim drobnozrnatim polnilom, ki je vsebovalo več dark brown, fine-grained sediment which included
večjih prodnikov velikosti do 16 centimetrov. Skelet je several, up-to-16 centimeters large pebbles. The skele-
bil le delno ohranjen ter je glede na antropološke ana- ton was only partially preserved; according to anthro-
lize pripadal okoli 20 let stari ženski. V grobu je bilo pological data, it belonged to a 20-year-old woman. In
odkritih več keramičnih posod, ki so se nahajale ob the grave, several ceramic vessels located at the feet of
the deceased were discovered, including a larger and
nogah pokojnice – večja in manjša skleda z S-profi- a smaller bowl with an S-profiled mouth, a pot with a
liranim ustjem, lonec z rahlo izvihanim ustjem ter slightly everted mouth, and a globular pot with a low
kroglast lonec z nizkim vratom in izvihanim ustjem. neck and everted mouth. The metal grave goods were
Kovinski pridatki pa so bili zelo slabo ohranjeni. Os- very poorly preserved. The remains of two, heavily
tanki dveh močno preperelih železnih fibul ter bro- weathered, iron fibulae and a bronze ring were discov-
nast obroček so bili odkriti na predelu prsi, bronasta ered on the chest, while a pierced, oval, bronze plaque
predrta ovalna ploščica je bila odkrita ob desenm ko- was unveiled beside the right elbow and a profiled,
molcu,profilirana bronasta ploščica ter masiven pr- bronze plaque, as well as a massive ring of semicircu-
stan polkrožnega preseka pa ob desnem boku. Manj- lar cross-section, were discovered along the right hip.
ši ukrivljen železen nož je bil odkrit skupaj s keramiko A smaller, curved, iron knife was discovered together
ob nogah pokojnice. with ceramics at the feet of the deceased.
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