Page 17 - Pelc, Stanko, ed., 2015. Spatial, social and economic factors of marginalization in the changing global context. Koper, University of Primorska Press.
P. 17
bout İbrahim Çeçen University 15
Ağrı (ICUA)

The Hosting institution has been opened as Ağrı Dağı Univer-
sity in May 2007. In the following year it was renamed after its
founder a civil engineer and businessman – İbrahim Çeçen.
Nevertheless it is still a state university lead by rector prof. dr. İr-
fan Aslan.
At the beginning the university had only the faculty of Education
with 20 professors, 18 lecturers and 1,200 students. Today, the
number of professors involved in teaching and training is around
300, including 59 academicians and 259 corresponding members
of the academy. Over 7,000 students are studying at 10 regional
branches of the university. It is the 4th largest university in Eastern
Anatolia. It has two campuses, 1 central laboratory for scientific-re-
search and study-scientific institutes, 4 scientific-research labora-
tories and centers, 12 study laboratories and rooms, and 2 librar-
ies. ICUA has adapted its programs in accordance with the Bologna
process adopted in Turkey in 2001.
Bachelor and Master courses are held at The Vocational School,
Faculty of Science and Letters, Faculty of Education, Faculty of Eco-
nomics and Administrative Sciences and Vocational Health School
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