Page 21 - Pelc, Stanko, ed., 2015. Spatial, social and economic factors of marginalization in the changing global context. Koper, University of Primorska Press.
P. 21
tial, social, and economic factors 19
of marginalization in the changing
global context

IGU Commission C12.29
Globalization, Marginalization, and regional

and local responses
University of Agri (Turkey), 2015

Marginalization as a topic of geographical research
Dr. Stanko Pelc
University of Primorska Faculty of Education
Cankarjeva 5, Koper/Capodistria, Slovenia
Marginalization, marginality, geographical research, globalization
The research of marginality and marginalization in geography start-
ed with remote areas such as mountains and high latitude zones.
Geographers were interested in these regions because they were
different due to their remoteness and many of them were left be-
hind considering economic development. In spatial constellation
these were areas at the margin and therefore could be called mar-
ginal. Modern geography is not a descriptive science and therefore
seeks to explain the evolution of present state of the problem un-
der consideration. As an explanatory science is therefore focused
on the process as much as it is on the present time result that can
be observed in the area or region that has been researched. In our
case the process of marginalization is as important for geographical
knowledge about the areas that we call marginal as much as it is the
complex structure of the landscape and society in their intercon-
nection in marginal areas/regions.In our presentation we intend to
present our arguments for the above statement.
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