Page 181 - Terčelj, Dušan. 2015. The Culture of Wine in Slovenia. Edited by Aleš Gačnik. University of Primorska Press, Koper.
P. 181
Getting to know wine

VTC 13: The Middle Slovenske gorice wine route

This route leads through the central Slovenske gorice, a gently undulating landscape between
the rivers Drava and Mura, traversed by the valley of the River Pesnica. The area is rich in
water and has numerous small lakes, as well as fields and meadows and, in sunny localities,
vineyards that are connected to the large Ptuj wine cellar. Vineyards do not appear in one
large concentrated area as they do in the nearby Ljutomer-Ormož district, which makes the

countryside here more varied and

The route consists of two circular
roads, leading across the hills west
of the River Pesnica. From Ptuj, the
road leads to the nearby hill of Mestni
vrh, covered in vineyards, past the re-
mains of Vurberg Castle, to Voličina
and back along the Pesnica Valley
to Ptuj. The other road leads from
Dornava with its beautiful Baroque
mansion up to Sv. Trojica, Sv. Trije
Kralji and then back to Mala Nedelja,

Signposts on VTC 13, 2006.
Photo: Aleš Gačnik.

Klopotec bird scarers are an indispensable element of the
viticultural landscape of Slovenske gorice. The Destrnik area,
2006. Photo: Aleš Gačnik.

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