Page 178 - Terčelj, Dušan. 2015. The Culture of Wine in Slovenia. Edited by Aleš Gačnik. University of Primorska Press, Koper.
P. 178
he Culture of Wine in Slovenia

The overall graphic design of the tourist The Minorite vineyard above Ptuj Castle is adorned by a A winter idyll. Veliki Okič,
village of Halonga and the area around it. Haloze klopotec bird scarer, 2006. Photo: Aleš Gačnik. 2006. Photo: Aleš Gačnik.
Videm near Ptuj, 2006. Photo: Aleš Gačnik.

The starting point of the tourist route is Ptuj, which is in itself worthy of a visit and demands
we spend at least a day. The old town centre is one big museum. At the castle, dominating
the town, there is a museum with many exhibits. The underground of the old town is
criss-crossed with vaulted corridors, full of wine barrels. The Haloze wine is still aged and
nurtured in these cellars. There is also a rich collection of archive wines, including the
oldest wine from 1917 and all the years from 1921 onwards. Jože Ornik, the then owner of
the archive cellar, blocked the entrance during World War Two and at the end of the war
no one knew about it. Only after a few years was it found by accident and Slovenia acquired
a rich collection of archive wines.

The traditional address (Drink well, drink Haloze From Ptuj, the route leads to Borl Castle and then
wine) at the entrance to the renovated vineyard to Zavrč, the numerous hills around which are
cottage belonging to Stanko Brodnjak in Haloze. covered with vineyards. Next to the River Drava
Veliki Okič, 2006. Photo: Aleš Gačnik. there is an old wine cellar where the best Renski
Rizling is produced, which is then bottled in the
Ptuj cellar. The route continues along the southern
side of Haloze to Gruškovje, from where, shortly after
Podlehnik, we can have a look at the viticultural
museum on Gorca and then return to Ptuj. Or we
can go on from Gruškovje to Poljčane and back

through Majšperk, Ptujska gora and Veliki vrh, 2005. Photo: Aleš Gačnik.
then to Ptuj. On Ptujska gora there is the
church of the Holy Mother, the largest
pilgrimage church in Štajerska which is
considered the most beautiful Gothic
church in Slovenia. Haloze, not just the
landscape, but also its people, are very
special. It is good to get to know them
and to appreciate just how demanding
the production of their high quality
wine is.

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