Page 212 - Terčelj, Dušan. 2015. The Culture of Wine in Slovenia. Edited by Aleš Gačnik. University of Primorska Press, Koper.
P. 212
he Culture of Wine in Slovenia

no dispute’. Wine is drunk with food for pure enjoyment and for the improvement of our
appetite and digestion. And if the wine is supposed to supplement and improve the quality
of the food, then the selection of wine is up to each individual. The perception of the aroma
and flavour are dependent on how well our sensory abilities are developed, how high our
threshold of perception is and which aromas and tastes we find pleasant and unpleasant.
This is why strict rules on which wines are to be served with which foods are of benefit
only those who do not know much about wine.
In the consumption and enjoyment of wine, temperature, the choice of glasses, proper
service, ambience and everything else that affects our mood are also very important. It is
always good if the host knows the characteristics of the available wines so that he or she
can impart it on the guests if they so desire.

An important new wine and
culinary event is the international
salon of wine and delicatessen
products VinDel, held for the first
time in Maribor in October 2008,
organised by Zavod SloVino.

Wine still life. Source: The Brič
wine cellar.

Oenologists and sommeliers

Both these professions require well-developed sensory abilities in order to perceive aro-
mas and flavours even in small quantities, so in this regard both need a very low sensory
threshold. It is an oenologist’s job to produce as good a wine as possible, i.e. to exploit the
natural characteristics of grapes to their maximum and, using technological procedures,
to achieve the highest possible quality of wine. It is very useful here to be able to perceive
finesses as well as any shortcomings. But it is not the job of an oenologist to prepare a wine
for a particular dish: that task is the sommelier’s. This is why they have to be very familiar
with the aromas and flavours of wines and food. Only someone who is a good taster can
have a truly good knowledge of food and drink.

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