Page 207 - Terčelj, Dušan. 2015. The Culture of Wine in Slovenia. Edited by Aleš Gačnik. University of Primorska Press, Koper.
P. 207
The wine trade and catering

For seven years now, a wine festival has been held in
Ljubljana and the stress here is on professionalism. In
addition, the annual agricultural and food fair in Gornja
Radgona, which started in 1963, is also gaining in im-
portance. The fair includes a wine assessment and a fair
where the sampled wines are sold and which is attended
by a large number of Slovene winemakers.

Slovenija vino advertisement. In: Razvoj,
stanje in perspektive vinogradništva
Jugoslavije (Development, current state
of affairs and the future of Yugoslav
viticulture) published by the Preparatory
Committee for the organisation of the
1st Yugoslav wine exhibition in Ljubljana,
1954, between pages 14 and 15.

The Japanese wine assessment experts
Shigeki Kida and Toshihiko Tsukamoto with
Dušan Terčelj at the 49th assessment of wine
samples in Ljubljana, 2003. Photo: Miloš Toni.

The title page of the catalogue accompanying the 9th Slovene
wine festival (Infos Ljubljana), which is an excellent opportunity
for socialising and talking with winemakers and other wine lovers.
Ljubljana, 2006. More on:

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