Page 218 - Terčelj, Dušan. 2015. The Culture of Wine in Slovenia. Edited by Aleš Gačnik. University of Primorska Press, Koper.
P. 218
he Culture of Wine in Slovenia

certain inherited characteristics. Doctors have
found that approximately 10 percent of people
have a gene that makes them more prone
to alcohol addiction. If such a person starts
consuming wine, he or she is almost bound
to become an alcoholic. Alcohol dependency
is a medical condition that needs treatment.
Our ancestors said: “A drunk converts only
when he falls into his grave.”
Nowadays, we recommend moderate drinking
of wine at meals and only for healthy, stable
adults, not for alcoholics: unstable, depressive
persons looking for intoxication and momen-
tary oblivion should not drink wine. The only
reliable treatment is complete abstinence
from alcohol. Moderate wine drinking is
thus beneficial only for those who are able to
control their actions and for adults who have

Message in a bottle. This small brochure was
designed by Radovan Jenko, CINDI Slovenia, 2003.

Message in a bottle. Young designers from the Design
department of the Academy of Fine Arts, under the
mentorship of their teachers, designed a series of posters
which drew attention to alcohol-related problems at home
and abroad. Ljubljana, 2006. Photo: Aleš Gačnik.

completed their growth and development. It is a well-known fact that in Slovenia there are
over one hundred thousand alcoholics.
In 1994 I wrote the following in a short brochure on drinking habits “The main problem
of drinking wine is excessive consumption at inappropriate times. With regard to alcohol
poisoning we talk about drunkenness and when this becomes a chronic condition about
alcoholism. The health, well-being and family of an alcoholic suffer greatly. Alcohol in a
chronic alcoholic damages the nerves and paralyses the digestive and respiratory systems.
Even just small quantities of alcohol (when we do not feel it) reduce our physical and mental
capacities, quickly diminishing them even when the alcohol has not yet affected our mood.”

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