Page 219 - Terčelj, Dušan. 2015. The Culture of Wine in Slovenia. Edited by Aleš Gačnik. University of Primorska Press, Koper.
P. 219
Wine and health

Wine must thus remain a foodstuff and not be used to
drown our sorrows. As alcoholism is Slovenia’s national
evil, we have to strive for re-education. We Slovenes
should learn how to enjoy wine only as food, only oc-
casionally as a slight stimulant, but never as comfort.
And as every alcoholic starts off as a moderate drinker
and a proportion of moderate drinkers will end up as
alcoholics, only strong personalities should be able to
consume wine and not those who are driven to despair
by any difficulty. I am certain that the issue I am focus-
ing on here again is increasingly pertinent, although
some even back then opposed the publication of my
brochure. It is understandable that doctors, although
they consume moderate amounts of wine themselves, do
not recommend drinking or even warn against alcohol.

What do I mean by civilised wine drinking and what
sort of daily doses do I recommend?

Ptuj drunks on the square Slovenski trg,
sent in 1908
Ptuj at night, 1908. An excellent postcard,
which in a witty way refers to the problems
of excessive drinking. Franc Golob’s private

Civilised wine drinking is moderate enjoy- “Even if you get drunk on the purest of wines, you have
ment of wine and its goodness, expressed a dirtiest hangover the next day.” Milan Fridauer Fredi,
in its aroma and flavour. This becomes Aljana Primožič, V vinu je resnica, resnost pa ne / Vinsko
most noticeable with food, when our senses pivski aforizmi in karikature (In Wine There is Truth, but no
are aroused and our digestion improved. Seriousness / Aphorisms and Caricatures Relating to Wine
For hereditary and metabolic reasons, the and Drinking), in the collection Umetnosti Slovenije, Tovarna
alcohol in wine has a different effect on tradicij, Ptuj, 2006, pages 52-53.
each individual, which is why everyone
has to establish for themselves what their 215
limit is and how much wine they can
consume without adverse effects on their
organism. Occasional abstinence from
wine is also recommended so that we can
see whether we are becoming addicted.

Most doctors recommend on average 10 –
20 grams of pure alcohol a day or 2 to 3
decilitres of wine for men and a third less
for women, over the whole day with food.

Excessive drinking of wine is not civilised
and is harmful.
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