Page 61 - Fister jr., Iztok, and Andrej Brodnik (eds.). StuCoSReC. Proceedings of the 2015 2nd Student Computer Science Research Conference. Koper: University of Primorska Press, 2015
P. 61
Personalization of intelligent objects
Aleksandar Tošic´ 1 Aleksandar Todorovic´ 1 Tanja Štular 1
Nejc Radež 3 Tadej Krivec 3 Tjaž Brelih 2
Neli Kovšca 1 Anja Rudež 1 Aleš Papicˇ 2
Vladan Jovicˇic´ 1 Marko Palangetic´ 1
1 University of Primorska, Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies
2 University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Computer and Information Science
3 University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering
ABSTRACT can be electronically controlled, but equipping an object
with electronics does not make it intelligent. In order to
Nowadays houses take advantage of a variety of IT controlled achieve automatic control an intelligent object must be able
devices. Traditionally these devices were controlled by pro- to adapt to different circumstances. To make this possi-
grammable logic controllers (PLC) with the devices as their ble we propose a system that controls the periphery units
periphery. Nowadays capable and cheep microcomputers are by taking into account the user preferences. Ideally, an in-
available and permit use of standards, open source develop- telligent object would identify users and adapt its output
ment environments, that further reduce the price and im- parameters to best suite all of the users. We explore the
proves the use. Furthermore, PLC based design did not possibility of using intelligent objects for individuals who
put a lot of emphasis on security, which is easier to achieve are physically or mentally weak [2], [3], [6]. The psychologi-
through standard services and protocols. cal advantage is mostly that the individuals can avoid living
in a public institution (e.g. retirement homes), but at home
In previous work [7] we showed how we can use cheep, readily among, their family. Smart houses and technology is known
available hardware and software to augment living environ- to increase safety and independence of a person, which would
ments with security and comfort. In this article we present make individuals more inclined to accept intelligent objects
a system for personalization of objects equipped with such [1].
Categories and Subject Descriptors 2. SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE
H.4 [INFORMATION SYSTEMS APPLICATIONS]; The system is built using a combination of open-source soft-
C.3 [SPECIAL-PURPOSE AND APPLICATION-BASEDware and protocols. The system is modular and very robust
SYSTEMS] so that it can be adapted to any intelligent object. The
system features two servers, which both implement a Rep-
General Terms resentational State Transfer (REST) interface for efficient
communication amongst other modules. The Supervisory
Personalization, Inteligent object, PLC, Microcontroller, Smart Control And Data Acquisition (SCADA) server is responsi-
ble for monitoring the state of all peripheral units at a given
Keywords time and broadcasting the data to all connected clients. A
SCADA client is independent of the server and can be a
PLC, Inteligent object mobile application or in our case a web application used for
1. INTRODUCTION manual control of peripheral units. The User Tracking server
is also an implementation of a REST interface responsible
for user identification independent of the technology used to
Home automation is fast growing market with many use- identify the user. Both servers communicate with the con-
ful applications. Despite the increasing demand the market trol unit that is responsible for carrying out orders issued by
is still relatively new and is therefore expensive for early the servers. Additionally both servers subscribe to events
adopters.Fast development of cheep electronic, controllable from the control unit. The control unit sends states of re-
periphery, and open-source software has rendered home au- quested peripheral units every time a change in their state is
tomation relatively inexpensive. Arguably, personal home made. Besides implementing the REST interface the control
automation is only a subset of all the different objects that unit also runs the algorithm that controls the peripherals to
StuCoSReC Proceedings of the 2015 2nd Student Computer Science Research Conference 61
Ljubljana, Slovenia, 6 October
Aleksandar Tošic´ 1 Aleksandar Todorovic´ 1 Tanja Štular 1
Nejc Radež 3 Tadej Krivec 3 Tjaž Brelih 2
Neli Kovšca 1 Anja Rudež 1 Aleš Papicˇ 2
Vladan Jovicˇic´ 1 Marko Palangetic´ 1
1 University of Primorska, Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies
2 University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Computer and Information Science
3 University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering
ABSTRACT can be electronically controlled, but equipping an object
with electronics does not make it intelligent. In order to
Nowadays houses take advantage of a variety of IT controlled achieve automatic control an intelligent object must be able
devices. Traditionally these devices were controlled by pro- to adapt to different circumstances. To make this possi-
grammable logic controllers (PLC) with the devices as their ble we propose a system that controls the periphery units
periphery. Nowadays capable and cheep microcomputers are by taking into account the user preferences. Ideally, an in-
available and permit use of standards, open source develop- telligent object would identify users and adapt its output
ment environments, that further reduce the price and im- parameters to best suite all of the users. We explore the
proves the use. Furthermore, PLC based design did not possibility of using intelligent objects for individuals who
put a lot of emphasis on security, which is easier to achieve are physically or mentally weak [2], [3], [6]. The psychologi-
through standard services and protocols. cal advantage is mostly that the individuals can avoid living
in a public institution (e.g. retirement homes), but at home
In previous work [7] we showed how we can use cheep, readily among, their family. Smart houses and technology is known
available hardware and software to augment living environ- to increase safety and independence of a person, which would
ments with security and comfort. In this article we present make individuals more inclined to accept intelligent objects
a system for personalization of objects equipped with such [1].
Categories and Subject Descriptors 2. SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE
H.4 [INFORMATION SYSTEMS APPLICATIONS]; The system is built using a combination of open-source soft-
C.3 [SPECIAL-PURPOSE AND APPLICATION-BASEDware and protocols. The system is modular and very robust
SYSTEMS] so that it can be adapted to any intelligent object. The
system features two servers, which both implement a Rep-
General Terms resentational State Transfer (REST) interface for efficient
communication amongst other modules. The Supervisory
Personalization, Inteligent object, PLC, Microcontroller, Smart Control And Data Acquisition (SCADA) server is responsi-
ble for monitoring the state of all peripheral units at a given
Keywords time and broadcasting the data to all connected clients. A
SCADA client is independent of the server and can be a
PLC, Inteligent object mobile application or in our case a web application used for
1. INTRODUCTION manual control of peripheral units. The User Tracking server
is also an implementation of a REST interface responsible
for user identification independent of the technology used to
Home automation is fast growing market with many use- identify the user. Both servers communicate with the con-
ful applications. Despite the increasing demand the market trol unit that is responsible for carrying out orders issued by
is still relatively new and is therefore expensive for early the servers. Additionally both servers subscribe to events
adopters.Fast development of cheep electronic, controllable from the control unit. The control unit sends states of re-
periphery, and open-source software has rendered home au- quested peripheral units every time a change in their state is
tomation relatively inexpensive. Arguably, personal home made. Besides implementing the REST interface the control
automation is only a subset of all the different objects that unit also runs the algorithm that controls the peripherals to
StuCoSReC Proceedings of the 2015 2nd Student Computer Science Research Conference 61
Ljubljana, Slovenia, 6 October