Page 62 - Fister jr., Iztok, and Andrej Brodnik (eds.). StuCoSReC. Proceedings of the 2015 2nd Student Computer Science Research Conference. Koper: University of Primorska Press, 2015
P. 62
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best suite the identified user. The control unit is directly a web application that enables users to intuitively control
connected to the controllers that are responsible for control- the server and consequently respective peripherals [4], [5],
ling individual peripherals. The actual peripherals and their [8]. User has an option to select a floor depending on which,
controllers are independent of the system. Communication a map and elements are shown. One of the main task of a
between entities of the system is made by utilizing TCP/IP SCADA system is to control electrical devices such as lights,
protocol with Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encryption. The window blinds, temperature, humidity, televisions, wall col-
topology of the system is shown in Figure 1. ors, windows and mosquito nets, consequently permitting
full control of the house. User is informed of the position
3. REST INTERFACES and ongoing states of periphery devices. When changing
states of a periphery device, a message containing new state
To make communication between modules easier, we im- values is sent to target device. If a change occurs on the
plemented REST services. The first service is receiving re- device, the event is also updated on SCADA system.
quests coming from a mobile device using REST (Represen-
tational State Transfer) architecture. After the request is To make user interface user friendly and easy to use we de-
received the service then uses the data within to execute signed all elements in graphics. Lights are represented as
CRUD (create, read, update, delete) commands in a rela- bulbs and have only two states. To turn the light on or
tional database. Using this service users can register, login, off one has to click on the bulb. For Dali lights, which can
and update their location. control brightness levels, a slider was created for setting the
opacity from 0 to 100. Temperature is designed as a sim-
The second service is used for communication with periph- ple thermometer with draggable indicator line overlay. By
eral units using REST architecture. The first part of the dragging the line on the thermometer value between 0-100
service is a client that can send requests to peripheral units is chosen. For blinds we enable setting their position with
and read their responses. Using these requests we can get draggable line and the state (open or close) by mouse click.
or set variables in peripheral units. The second part of the Humidity is shown as a drop and its state is controlled with
service listens for requests sent from peripheral units. These the help of a slider. Television can be turned on or off by
requests are events, which happened when a variable in one clicking on its icon. Wall colors are designed with many color
of the peripheral units has changed. bulbs, which brightness can be controlled through slider and
color state with color panel launched on mouse click. Win-
4. SCADA SERVER dows blinds and mosquito nets are represented with appro-
priate icons. Upon clicking the icons, their state is switched
For controlling house devices we set up a SCADA as a web from open to close or vise versa. Through SCADA one can
server, which enables control of the peripheral units trough also set holiday mode that puts the system into a power sav-
the controller module. We implemented a SCADA client as
StuCoSReC Proceedings of the 2015 2nd Student Computer Science Research Conference 62
Ljubljana, Slovenia, 6 October
best suite the identified user. The control unit is directly a web application that enables users to intuitively control
connected to the controllers that are responsible for control- the server and consequently respective peripherals [4], [5],
ling individual peripherals. The actual peripherals and their [8]. User has an option to select a floor depending on which,
controllers are independent of the system. Communication a map and elements are shown. One of the main task of a
between entities of the system is made by utilizing TCP/IP SCADA system is to control electrical devices such as lights,
protocol with Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encryption. The window blinds, temperature, humidity, televisions, wall col-
topology of the system is shown in Figure 1. ors, windows and mosquito nets, consequently permitting
full control of the house. User is informed of the position
3. REST INTERFACES and ongoing states of periphery devices. When changing
states of a periphery device, a message containing new state
To make communication between modules easier, we im- values is sent to target device. If a change occurs on the
plemented REST services. The first service is receiving re- device, the event is also updated on SCADA system.
quests coming from a mobile device using REST (Represen-
tational State Transfer) architecture. After the request is To make user interface user friendly and easy to use we de-
received the service then uses the data within to execute signed all elements in graphics. Lights are represented as
CRUD (create, read, update, delete) commands in a rela- bulbs and have only two states. To turn the light on or
tional database. Using this service users can register, login, off one has to click on the bulb. For Dali lights, which can
and update their location. control brightness levels, a slider was created for setting the
opacity from 0 to 100. Temperature is designed as a sim-
The second service is used for communication with periph- ple thermometer with draggable indicator line overlay. By
eral units using REST architecture. The first part of the dragging the line on the thermometer value between 0-100
service is a client that can send requests to peripheral units is chosen. For blinds we enable setting their position with
and read their responses. Using these requests we can get draggable line and the state (open or close) by mouse click.
or set variables in peripheral units. The second part of the Humidity is shown as a drop and its state is controlled with
service listens for requests sent from peripheral units. These the help of a slider. Television can be turned on or off by
requests are events, which happened when a variable in one clicking on its icon. Wall colors are designed with many color
of the peripheral units has changed. bulbs, which brightness can be controlled through slider and
color state with color panel launched on mouse click. Win-
4. SCADA SERVER dows blinds and mosquito nets are represented with appro-
priate icons. Upon clicking the icons, their state is switched
For controlling house devices we set up a SCADA as a web from open to close or vise versa. Through SCADA one can
server, which enables control of the peripheral units trough also set holiday mode that puts the system into a power sav-
the controller module. We implemented a SCADA client as
StuCoSReC Proceedings of the 2015 2nd Student Computer Science Research Conference 62
Ljubljana, Slovenia, 6 October