Page 212 - Ratkajec, Hrvoje. 2015. Industrializacija in prostor. Založba Univerze na Primorskem, Koper.
P. 212
industrializacija in prostor
striale), Italian state fund for investment in industry, and the Archive of the
Italian central bank in Rome.

The key findings are that in the course of the process of industrializa-
tion in the area of Northeast Adriatic a fundamental industrial structure or
industrial skeleton was formed, which consists of key, secondary and some
»mixed« industries, but, due to the specificity of the process of industriali-
zation, it didn’t grow into an industrial region in Pollards’s sense. Key indu-
stries act as carriers of the process of industrialization. Their development is
closely related to the formation of Trieste as a regional growth pole, with the
largest concentration and circulation of entrepreneurial knowledge, expe-
rience and capital. The secondary key industries and some »mixed« indu-
stries are industries, which include elements of key industries, but these are
less pronounced, as well as being less concentrated in urban areas and more
dispersed in space. The dispersed industries, located in rural areas, demon-
strate a strong link with the urban environment but also a highly dynamic
local, non-urban, entrepreneurial initiatives and investments.

This area is thus characterized by urban centers as focus point of the
industrial growth, with Trieste as the largest urban center acting as a regio-
nal growth pole around which gravitated the development of key industri-
es and the majority of all other industries. Next conclusion is that the Gre-
at Depression had a more profound affect on the process of industrialization
then the First World War. Thus after the war, there was a certain continuity
with the pre-war time, explicitly vied in the activity of the Trieste’s economic
(entrepreneurial) elite in the first decade after the war, while the nineteenth
thirties signify a crucial break because since then the Fascist policy of State-
-led economy, together with the entrepreneurs and banks from »old« Italy,
became the dominant driving elements of the process of industrialization.
The comparison with the Slovenian area shows similarities in the formati-
on of the same industrial structures (key industries, the role of entrepreneu-
rs and banks), with the major difference being the First World War, which
had a bigger impact on the process of industrialization in the Slovenian area
than the Great Depression.Lecus, to ipsandunt volorumquam qui disciis ea-
tibus ciusam facil eriam lis magnis elenimint que si voloren tinveriam aliqu-
as aut lacillis rehenditas mossimi, explaut dolupta consequam nim fugiamus
eria dunti dolupti busdaecusa doloria ntectionsed quam adit hillanti dus, ent
ea que niscium, si bea sequam est doloria sumet alit, idelige ndelend ignatus
imus ut eicium, sam et a nonseque nobitia quatium nitatis simendu cipsam
cusdae plabore dunt, aceribe riscias qui rehent eosa volorum haribus aescip

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