Page 24 - Krész, Miklós, and Andrej Brodnik (eds.). MATCOS-13. Proceedings of the 2013 Mini-Conference on Applied Theoretical Computer Science. Koper: University of Primorska Press, 2016.
P. 24
of the hierarchy is a block denoted by TOP in further. Program Num. of Num. of Num. of

i operations links blocks
agh j
1 PID controller 29 36 0
k 2 MP3 SFB 93 133 6
b ef 3 MP3 ssum 19 25 1
4 MP3 uconv 32 45 0
cd 5 MP3 usum 11 16 1

Table 1: Summary of the compiler tests

Figure 3: MR-EOG Haskell code automatically, 2) it reports in case of any com-
piler errors, 3) the structure of the compiler is modular (it
An example can be seen in Figure 3. Here the block TOP has a frontend and a backend part), thus the parts could
contains the operations a, i, j and k, and two inner blocks. be used separately in other projects. 4) external pipeline
One of that contains the operations g and h, and the other optimization stage can be included, since it has a dataflow
contains b, e and f, and its inner block contains the opera- graph as intermediate representation. 5) the operation set
tions c and d. is able to be extended, because they are from an external
database separated from the compiler program itself.
For the new multi-rate representation, there is an important
purpose: ensure that the general algorithms performed in The method, including its extended variant for multi-rate
dataflow graphs (such as pipeline optimization algorithms) tasks, was tested with practical applications, such as a PID
can also be used in MR-EOG. The solution is running the controller and an MP3 synthesis filter bank algorithm.
algorithms recursively, starting with the innermost block.
Since the innermost block does not contain inner blocks, the 6. REFERENCES
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