Page 179 - Panjek, Aleksander. 2016. Krvavi poljub svobode: upor na galeji Loredani v Kopru in beg galjotov na Kras leta 1605. Založba Univerze na Primorskem, Založništvo tržaškega tiska, Koper - Trst
P. 179
summary: the bloody kiss of freedom

some stayed, while others continued towards Zagreb, and then went further
in different directions. The ones that went back to the Venetian territory by
crossing the Alps, where later caught and arrested.

Reactions of the People, Communities and the Authorities
on the Hapsburg Side

The Slovenian peasants on the Karst showed the fugitive galley-rowers a mix-
ture of aggressive behaviour and friendly welcome. Some peasants let the fu-
gitives pay for the food, shelter and help provided, although it is difficult to
reconstruct the precise picture based on the sources we have available, since
the people involved in the process tended to minimize these events. The pea-
sant communities activated their defence mechanisms, such as sounding the
church bells and taking refuge in the village-shelters called tabor. The local
authorities on the Austrian side showed interest predominantly in taking fi-
nancial advantage of the Venetian runaway galley-rowers with booty, and a
rather low grade of communication and coordination ability between the sin-
gle local offices.

The Inquest and the Sentences Issued by the Peasant Court in Devin
The chapter presents the proceedings of the process in the feudal jurisdicti-
on of Devin. In the beginning, the main goal of the prosecution was to force
the peasants to hand over to the local administration the booty they had rece-
ived from the runaway galley-rowers, thus taking economic advantage of the
unusual events. Special proceedings were directed against the peasant who
had shot and injured two fugitives, since they used prohibited fire-weapons.
Further proceedings were issued against some peasants from a village (Kon-
tovel, belonging to the town of Trieste) for having used violence by attacking
the galley-rowers within the Devin territory. The proceedings at the court are
of particular interest because they show the functioning and decision making
of the village community heads, who formed the court-jury.

The reaction in Koper and Venice, and the Process
The chapter presents the court proceedings of the process held on the Veneti-
an territory, first in Koper and then in Venice. A distinction is made between
the process against the noble galley-chiefs (sopracomiti), who were essential-
ly exonerated of any possible guilt, and the process against the rebel galley-
-rowers, who were sentenced to severe punishments, distinguishing betwe-
en the organizers and the followers. If captured, the former would have paid
with their lives, while the latter with chopped hands. In general, the Venetian
offices reacted very quickly and effectively, although part of the process (aga-
inst Bollanetto) lasted for a couple decades.

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