Page 181 - Panjek, Aleksander. 2016. Krvavi poljub svobode: upor na galeji Loredani v Kopru in beg galjotov na Kras leta 1605. Založba Univerze na Primorskem, Založništvo tržaškega tiska, Koper - Trst
P. 181
summary: the bloody kiss of freedom
a bloody kiss on the mouth. Distribution of money to fellow mutineers from
a hat, described as a scene “from a fairy-tale” by a witness galley-rower, is com-
pared to a Robin Hood type of action. Drawing on the behaviour of the mu-
tineers, exemplified by the voyage of just one hour (this was all their naviga-
tion lasted), the mutiny of the Loredana is interpreted as a “perfect rebellion”
of those times.

I. Lists of names of the crew on the galley Loredana.
II. Inventories of the remainder of the freight.

The Author
Aleksander Panjek holds a PhD in Economic history and is full professor in
History at the University of Primorska, Slovenia, where he is head of the Re-
search Institute at the Faculty for Humanities. He studied and worked in
Italy, Austria, and Slovenia. The central fields of his research work include
modern and contemporary economic and social history, above all rural histo-
ry. He managed different national and international projects and published a
few monographs and several scientific articles.

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