Page 63 - Jere Jakulin, Tadeja, 2016. Kvalitativno modeliranje kompleksnih sistemov v turizmu. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem.
P. 63
In this monograph we described general methodological problems of qual-
itative modelling complex systems within system dynamics. We presented
the importance of modelling, which depends on an organisational prob-
lem and participants’ experiences. Plurality of system methodologies seems
to be legitimate. This way we presented a way of transition from verbal de-
scription onto causal loop diagram. This diagram was an enriched diagram
of directed graph, which helped us when we discussed a problem. This we
named a qualitative model. To the qualitative model followed simulation
model within system dynamics. We analysed tourism as enlighten for a
methodology. We developed three models: causal loop diagram of tour-
ism system as a part of national strategy, global tourism model diagram
and simplified causal loop diagram from a point of view of Slovene tour-
ism market development.
In this monograph we described general methodological problems of qual-
itative modelling complex systems within system dynamics. We presented
the importance of modelling, which depends on an organisational prob-
lem and participants’ experiences. Plurality of system methodologies seems
to be legitimate. This way we presented a way of transition from verbal de-
scription onto causal loop diagram. This diagram was an enriched diagram
of directed graph, which helped us when we discussed a problem. This we
named a qualitative model. To the qualitative model followed simulation
model within system dynamics. We analysed tourism as enlighten for a
methodology. We developed three models: causal loop diagram of tour-
ism system as a part of national strategy, global tourism model diagram
and simplified causal loop diagram from a point of view of Slovene tour-
ism market development.