Page 68 - Jere Jakulin, Tadeja, 2016. Kvalitativno modeliranje kompleksnih sistemov v turizmu. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem.
P. 68
Kvalitativno modeliranje kompleksnih sistemov v turizmu
Senge, P. The Fifth Discipline: The Art and Practice of The Learning Orga-
nization. London: Random House, 1990.
Simon, H. Models of Man: Social and Rational. Hoboken: John Willey &
Sons, Inc., 1957.
Sterman, J. D. System Dynamics Review – Celebrating the Life of Dana Me-
adows. Hoboken: Wiley &Sons, 2002.
Tomović, R. Upravljački informacioni sistem Beograda: sistemski prilaz
razvoju upravljačkog informacionog sistema. Beograd: Glas, 1977.
Vlada RS. Strategija razvoja slovenskega turizma 2012–2016. http: www.
mg ije.../ST R AT EGIJA _web.
Wiener, N. Cybernetics. Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons, 1948.
68 Wolff, K. E. »Concept, States, and Systems.« In Computing Anticipato-
ry Systems; CASYS ‚99 – Third International Conference, edited by D.
M. Dubois, 233–43. College Park: The American Institute of Physics,
Yolles M., and D. Dubois. »Anticipatory Viable Systems.« International
Journal of Computing Anticipatory Systems 9 (2001): 3–18.
Senge, P. The Fifth Discipline: The Art and Practice of The Learning Orga-
nization. London: Random House, 1990.
Simon, H. Models of Man: Social and Rational. Hoboken: John Willey &
Sons, Inc., 1957.
Sterman, J. D. System Dynamics Review – Celebrating the Life of Dana Me-
adows. Hoboken: Wiley &Sons, 2002.
Tomović, R. Upravljački informacioni sistem Beograda: sistemski prilaz
razvoju upravljačkog informacionog sistema. Beograd: Glas, 1977.
Vlada RS. Strategija razvoja slovenskega turizma 2012–2016. http: www.
mg ije.../ST R AT EGIJA _web.
Wiener, N. Cybernetics. Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons, 1948.
68 Wolff, K. E. »Concept, States, and Systems.« In Computing Anticipato-
ry Systems; CASYS ‚99 – Third International Conference, edited by D.
M. Dubois, 233–43. College Park: The American Institute of Physics,
Yolles M., and D. Dubois. »Anticipatory Viable Systems.« International
Journal of Computing Anticipatory Systems 9 (2001): 3–18.