Page 318 - Panjek, Aleksander, Jesper Larsson and Luca Mocarelli, eds. 2017. Integrated Peasant Economy in a Comparative Perspective: Alps, Scandinavia and Beyond. Koper: University of Primorska Press
P. 318
integr ated peasant economy in a compar ative perspective

workdays per year seems to have been normal (Diary and farm accounts,
NM, SBD, 44: A).
Table 13.1: Land area and livestock numbers at Backåkers, Matses and Hyttäcken

  Backåkers Matses Hyttbäcken
Land (hectares):
Arable 4 10 47
Meadow 7 16 8
Outland (pasture + forest) 63 33 60
Total 74 59 115
Livestock (number): 
Horses 2 2 4
Cows 6 7 25
Heifers 2 3 7
Sheep 10 6 10
Swine 1 1 1

Sources: Land: LM, LMA, 20-gar-93, Hummelbo village (1872–1874), Norra Strandmo-
ra village (1858–1860) and LM, LMA, 20-fol-207, Stora Dicka village (1857–1865). Livestock:
LM, LMA, U6-1:6: By sockenkarta med beskrivning (1853–1858); Svenske 1987; HB, Live-
stock insurance 1865 (horses), Milking journal 1866–1868 (cattle and sheep); LAU, HR, pro-
bate inventory 1852 (swine).

Table 13.2: Family and other household members at the three studied farms Backåkers,
Matses and Hyttbäcken, in 1866

Household Backåkers Matses Hyttbäcken
Erik Johansson Anders Ersson Anders Jansson
Farming couple Charlotta Anders- Stina Jansdotter Anna-Stina Enlund
Working adults 4 2
in the family 5 1 (10 years) 7 (0–14 years)
Farmhands 1 (1 year) 0 3
Maids 1 1 3–4
Working persons (and 1 5 (6) 10 (15)
total household)
7 (8)

Sources: LAU, KA, Husförhörslängder Garpenberg, By and Folkärna parishes; Svenske
1987; NM, SBD, 1 and, 44; HB, Cash books and a Book of workers.

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