Page 193 - Petelin, Ana, Nejc Šarabon, Boštjan Žvanut, eds. 2017. Zdravje delovno aktivne populacije ▪︎ Health of the Working-Age Population. Proceedings. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem/University of Primorska Press
P. 193
Methods fighting stressful situations from the viewpoint of emotional competence 191
There were 289 participants in the research project (M=40.24 years, SD=10.9,
min=19, max=72), 30 or 10.4% of these were males (M=40.2 years, SD=11.2,
min=19, max=72) and 259 oz. 89.6% females (M=39.8 years, SD=10.8, min=19,
Max=69). 34 (11.8%) of the participants were single, 114 (39.4%) were married,
80 (27.7%) were not married but had a long-lasting relationship, 7 (2.4%) were in
the process of divorce, 35 (12.1%) were divorced, 14 (4.8%) were divorced and in
a new relationship, 5 (1.7%) were widowed. 1 (0.3%) participant had primary ed-
ucation, 15 (5.3%) participants had vocational training, 55 (19%) had secondary
education, 84 (29.1%) had higher, university education or Bologna first level ed-
ucation, 100(34.6%) had university or Bologna second level education, 31 (10.7%)
had specialization or master’s degree, and 3 (1%) participants had doctor’s de-
gree. 37 (12.8%) participants were from the Gorenjska region, 11 (3.8&%) were
from the Goriška region, 10 (3.5%) were from the South-Eastern part of Slove-
nia, 7 (2.4%) were from the Karst region, 14 (4.8%) were from the Karst-Coastal
region, 148 (51.2%) were from the Central Slovenia, 17 (5.9%) were from Podrav-
je, 11 (3.8%) from Pomurje, 16 (5.5%) from Savinjska region, 8 (2.8%) from sred-
njePosavje and 7 (2.4%) participants were from Zasavje region.

Questionnaire of emotional competence of the author Associate Prof. Mate-
ja Cvetek, Ph.D. is a self-assessment questionnaire assessing the developmen-
tal degree of one’s emotional competence. The questionnaire is divided in-
to 8 dimensions: Trust into partner (Cronbach alpha=0.730) (eg.: »When me
and my partner are faced with a conflict … I know who to ask for help.« ),
Mutuality and cooperation between partners (Cronbach alpha=0.940) (eg.:
»When me and my partner are faced with a conflict … I feel we are emotion-
ally close.«), Understanding and verbal expression of emotions (Cronbach al-
pha=0.757)(eg.: »When me and my partner are faced with a conflict … I can-
not find words to express my feelings.«), Comparative emotional reasoning
(Cronbach alpha=0.785) (eg.: »When me and my partner are faced with a con-
flict … I can foresee the impact of emotions.«), Emotional oscillations (Cron-
bach alpha=0.800) (eg.: »When me and my partner are faced with a conflict
… my emotions are of diverse intensity: from weak to very strong.«), Autono-
mous search for new options Cronbach alpha=0.786) (eg.: »When me and my
partner are faced with a conflict … I try to learn a lesson from the conflicting
situation.«), Autonomous wish for self-improvement (Cronbach alpha=0.729)
(eg.: »When me and my partner are faced with a conflict … I strive to improve
my conflict management approach.«), Autonomy of judgement (Cronbach al-
pha=0.841) (eg.: »When me and my partner are faced with a conflict … I have
the feeling of being capable of autonomous decision-making.«). The partici-
pants used a 5-grade scale for assessing the statements, i.e.: 1- almost never ap-
plies to me (from 0% to 10%), 2 – applies to me rarely ever (from 110% to 35%), 3-
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