Page 97 - Petelin, Ana, Nejc Šarabon, Boštjan Žvanut, eds. 2017. Zdravje delovno aktivne populacije ▪︎ Health of the Working-Age Population. Proceedings. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem/University of Primorska Press
P. 97
The aim and objective of the conducted research was to study Slovenian experience of sexual intercourse in the first year after childbirth: women’s views and attitudes 95
women’s experience of sexual intercourse in the first year after childbirth. We
posed 4 research questions, namely: (1) When did women initiate sexual inter-
course after childbirth?, (2) are women equally satisfied with sexual intercourse
before and after childbirth?, (3) how often do women have sexual intercourse af-
ter childbirth?, (4) do they and if they do, which problems do women most fre-
quently encounter during sexual intercourse after childbirth?.

The research was based on the quantitative research paradigm, within which
a descriptive and causal – nonexperimental method of empirical research
was used. It was designed as an online questionnaire tool. Data was gath-
ered through a questionnaire preliminarily tested on a pilot sample of ten re-
spondents in order to verify comprehensibility of the questions asked. The
survey was conducted from January 2013 to September 2015. Apart from de-
mographical data, the questionnaire included basic questions in order to
study Slovenian women’s experience of sexual intercourse in the first year af-
ter childbirth.

To determine validity (% of variance explained by the first factor) and re-
liability (% of variance explained by common factors) of the measurement in-
strument, we used the results of factor analysis which showed that our research
instrument is within acceptable limits of validity (first factor explained 23.2%
variance) and reliability (results of factor analysis revealed 3 factors that ex-
plain 60.9% variance).

A convenience sample of 3126 women who regionally cover all parts
of Slovenia was used. Altogether, 3106 valid questionnaires were returned,
which represents a responsiveness rate of 99.4%. The largest group of wom-
en (68%) was between 25 to 35 years old. The majority of women in the sam-
ple (58%) achieved a university degree of education. The majority of women
gave birth vaginally, namely 82%, the remaining 18% delivered by a caesare-
an section.

The ethical aspects of the implementation of the research were provided
based on A statement of voluntary participation and protection of personal da-
ta. Participation in the survey was voluntary and anonymous. The survey exe-
cution was approved by The Department of Midwifery, Faculty of Health Sci-
ences in Ljubljana. Data processing was carried out at the level of descriptive
statistics with calculations of frequencies, percentages and arithmetic mean.
The data were processed using the statistical program SPSS 20.0. In order to
determine statistically significant differences, we used Chi-square (χ2) test.
Where the conditions for χ2- test were not fulfilled, Kullback test was imple-
mented. The differences were confirmed as statistically significant at a value of
p = 0.05.
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