Page 99 - Petelin, Ana, Nejc Šarabon, Boštjan Žvanut, eds. 2017. Zdravje delovno aktivne populacije ▪︎ Health of the Working-Age Population. Proceedings. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem/University of Primorska Press
P. 99
In addition, we inquired about the frequency of sexual intercourse after
childbirth (Table 3). More than a half of the women (57%) have sexual inter-
course less frequently after birth. Sexual intercourse is more frequent in 8% of
the women. A great percentage of the women (35%) could not give their assess-
ment but would like to have sexual intercourse more frequently. The mode of
delivery (vaginal delivery, caesarean section) did not reveal any statistically sig-
nificant differences (χ2 = 21.966; g = 1; p = 0.875).

Table 3: Frequency of sexual intercourse after childbirth

How often do you have sexual intercourse after childbirth? f, f (%) experience of sexual intercourse in the first year after childbirth: women’s views and attitudes 97
After birth, I have more frequent sexual intercourse than before childbirth 250 (8)
After birth, I have less frequent sexual intercourse than before childbirth 1782 (57)
I cannot assess but I would like to have more frequent sexual intercourse 1094 (35)
I cannot assess but I would like to have less frequent sexual intercourse
Total /
3126 (100 %)

Note: f: frequency; f (%): percentage

As part of the last research question, we were interested whether women
encounter any problems during sexual intercourse after childbirth; and if they
do, which are the most frequent problems. Women report that the most com-
mon problem accompanying sexual intercourse after birth is dyspareunia (Ta-
ble 4). It represents 32.2% of all answers. The mode of delivery did not reveal
statistically significant differences (χ2 = 21.103; g = 1; p = 0.943).

Table 4: Problems women frequently encounter during sexual intercourse
after childbirth

Which of the problems/obstacles did you encounter most frequently during sexual f, f (%)
intercourse after childbirth?
156 (5)
I perceived changes in my vagina (strange bodily sensations, changed lubrica-
tion, etc.) 1007 (32.2)
Dyspareunia (I feel pain during sexual intercourse)
Since childbirth, I have been constantly thinking of our baby even during sexu- 534 (17.1)
al intercourse
Shortage of time 616 (19.7)
I had difficulties accepting my changed body after childbirth 438 (14)
Our relationship with my partner changed so much after childbirth that it influ-
enced our sexual activity 94 (3)
I did not have any problems/obstacles
Other 281 (9)
Total /

Note: f: frequency; f (%): percentage 3126 (100)
   94   95   96   97   98   99   100   101   102   103   104