Page 52 - Fister jr., Iztok, and Andrej Brodnik (eds.). StuCoSReC. Proceedings of the 2017 4th Student Computer Science Research Conference. Koper: University of Primorska Press, 2017
P. 52
Subset existence Superset existence Subset existence Superset existence
order = descending order = descending
25000 |M| = 40000 25000 |M| = 40000 order = ascending 105 order = ascending
20000 |M| = 80000 20000 |M| = 80000 104
|M| = 160000 |M| = 160000 102 103 50 100 150 200 250
|M| = 320000 |M| = 320000 102 Length of input
|M| = 640000 |M| = 640000 0 50 100 150 200 250 101
Length of input 100
Visited nodes15000 15000 Visited nodes
Visited nodes Visited nodes 0
10000 10000

5000 5000

0 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Length of input Length of input

Figure 3: Experiment 2, submsetExistence and su- Figure 5: Experiment 4, submsetExistence and su-
permsetExistence functions. permsetExistence functions.

250 Subset existence 275 Superset existence maps letters in ascending order if the most frequent letter is
225 0.2 0.4Density, %0.6 0.8 250 0.2 0.4Density, %0.6 0.8 mapped to number σ. Conversely, in descending order this
Visited nodes200 225 letter is mapped to number 1. The parameters σ is set to 26
Visited nodes175200 and n is set to 10. The results on figure 5 are more balanced
150 175 when letters are ordered by frequency in ascending order.
125 1.0 150 1.0 Letters that have the least frequencies are now located at
100 125 the top of multiset-trie according to ascending order of let-
75 100 ters by frequency. This means that the search becomes nar-
75 rower, because a lot of invalid paths will be discarded on top
0.0 most levels. Thus, multiset-trie can be traversed faster.
Figure 4: Experiment 3, submsetExistence and su-
permsetExistence functions. Our studies show that multiset-trie is an input sensitive data
structure. However, pre-processing of data, letter frequency
very sparse. Multisets in a sparse multiset-trie differ more, analysis in particular, determines the best encoding of input
which increases the number of visited nodes during search. data and ensures the best performance of the multiset-trie.
We explain the reason of such a contradiction in the next
Experiment 3. The performance of multiset-trie observed in our research
opens even more interesting questions for the future inves-
The performance of the ”get all” functions decreases as the tigation. Further steps in our research will be to extend the
density increases and is exponential in both experiments. functionality of the multiset-trie. We are interested in more
The behavior is as expected, because the number of multi- flexible multiset containment queries, where the types of sub
sets in multiset-trie increases with increase of density, which and supermultisets can be specified.
means that any multiset in the data structure will have more
sub- and supermultisets. 4. REFERENCES

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Ljubljana, Slovenia, 11 October
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