Page 119 - Rižnar, Igor, and Klemen Kavčič (ed.). 2017. Connecting Higher Education Institutions with Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises. Koper: University of Primorska Press
P. 119
7 Intellectual Capital Report of the University

Franko Milost
University of Primorska

Klara Dodič Pegan
University of Primorska

Tatjana Horvat
University of Primorska

Intellectual capital can be defined as intangible assets that enable
the growth and development of an organisation. Our research
aimed to provide an in-depth insight into the state of intellectual
capital at the University of Primorska. To this end, the compo-
nents of intellectual capital and the indicators of the disclosure
of the components were defined; moreover, an intellectual cap-
ital report model was designed. The research was designed as a
case study and its results showed that all three basic components
of intellectual capital – human capital, structural capital and re-
lational capital – are present at the University of Primorska (up).
The fundamental documents of the university contained indica-
tors for the disclosure of all the mentioned components. Based
on the study’s findings, a model proposal for disclosing intellec-
tual capital at the University of Primorska was designed.
Ključne besede: intellectual capital, reporting, indicators, models,
the University of Primorska

Introductory Definitions
In modern society, the assets managed by organisations – by which they
create their competitive advantage and their market value – are becom-
ing increasingly intangible. What is more, the objectification of the in-
tangible is a special challenge for the companies’ management in mod-
ern economies. What is tangible is measurable and what we can mea-
sure we can also manage. In the period between the mid 60’s and the
mid 80’s of the previous century, a new term for intangible assets was
coined – intellectual capital (ic). During the last thirty years, numerous
non-monetary models have been developed to measure and disclose ic.

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