Page 120 - Rižnar, Igor, and Klemen Kavčič (ed.). 2017. Connecting Higher Education Institutions with Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises. Koper: University of Primorska Press
P. 120
Franko Milost, Klara Dodič Pegan, and Tatjana Horvat

In this way, organisations measure the intangible assets that are not
disclosed in classical financial statements but contribute significantly
to business success. The first report of this type was created in 1994 in
the Swedish insurance and finance company Skandia. The report was
called the Navigator. The author of the report, Leif Edvinsson, became
the head of the first department for the development and management
of ic. The reports on the companies’ ic and ic report models have be-
gun to be consecutively produced.

Measurement and disclosure of i c aim at improving the manage-
ment of ic. ic brings better business results, creates added value and
contributes to the greater competitiveness of a company.

The first studies on ic are thus related to companies. However, in the
last decade there has been an increase in studies related to the public
sector (Cañibano and Sanchez 2009; Cuganesan and Lacey 2011; Borin
and Donato 2015; Chiucchi and Dumay 2015; Vagnoni and Oppi 2015;
Veltri and Silvestri 2015). It is important to study the phenomenon of
ic at the universities because knowledge organisations, such as univer-
sities, are definitely the richest in ic. The employees’ knowledge, which
is included in the organisational structure of the university, the univer-
sity’s curriculum and its relations with the environment, is the main
product creator and at the same time the result of the overall activity,
respectively the main final product. Therefore, ic is undoubtedly im-
portant for the university. A high concentration of i c at universities
may create the impression that the existence, operation and manage-
ment of i c is self-evident, however, this is inaccurate. The tools that
would enable the disclosure and management of ic at universities are
only in their early stages. The modern, knowledge-based 21st century
society expects the university to play a key role in the process of con-
structing socially useful and necessary knowledge. However, in order to
achieve this, the university has to modernise its organisational struc-
ture, core activities and management processes.

The University of Primorska (u p), established less than a decade ago,
has a unique opportunity to start its development by accepting the chal-
lenge and forming its own specific management model based on i c
management. However, to manage ic successfully, the university must
know how to identify, measure and disclose it.

In the continuation, the term ic is explained and the study design
is presented. This is followed by the analysis and interpretation of the
study results and the presentation of the model and report design on
ic at the u p. Finally, the conclusions are presented.

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