Page 20 - Rižnar, Igor, and Klemen Kavčič (ed.). 2017. Connecting Higher Education Institutions with Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises. Koper: University of Primorska Press
P. 20
Robert Rybnicek

In recent years, the importance of collaborations between the indus-
try and universities has been enhanced, and collaborations between
sme s and universities are a special case. With respect to these collab-
orations and based on our literature review, we want to conclude with
the following four thoughts:

1. Opposites attract. Despite the fact that universities and sme s are
often very different (e.g. structure, size, leadership, goals), they are
virtually predestined for mutual collaboration precisely because of
these differences. In this sense, sme s and universities can form a
perfect fit to overcome weaknesses and blind spots. This contrast
might be the main strength of a collaboration between a univer-
sity and an sme. Universities have the characteristics that sme s
are looking for (e.g. reputation, political power, highly qualified re-
searchers) and sme s have characteristics universities are looking
for (e.g. flexibility, niche players, practical experience). This leads
to both partners being important to each other and they can follow
the same interests without being competitors. This contrariness
may be the true strength of such a collaboration.

2. Why collaboration? The collaboration between a university and an
sme can be advantageous for various reasons. In the course of this
article, we identified five important motives, namely complete-
ness, finance, equipment, staff and knowledge/technology trans-
fer. In all these areas a collaboration can be beneficial as it allows
the sharing of costs and risks, access to expensive equipment and
highly qualified experts, and the transfer of knowledge between
practical problems and theoretical solutions or vice versa. These
aspects are, of course, not exhaustive and there are many other
reasons to collaborate in specific situations.

3. Collaborate only if the partner meets your requirements. Besides all
these advantages, collaborations can have some drawbacks as well,
for which reason it is highly advisable for each of the parties to
know precisely what their own requirements are. Subsequently, on
the basis of these needs, an adequate search strategy for potential
partners should be established. It has to be emphasised that a col-
laboration should not be agreed upon when there is no appropriate
fit between the sme and the university. An unsuitable collabora-
tion can even increase the costs as well as the workload.

4. Collaboration is challenging. There are various challenges when col-

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