Page 195 - Hojnik, Jana. 2017. In Persuit of Eco-innovation. Drivers and Consequences of Eco-innovation at Firm Level. Koper: University of Primorska Press
P. 195


Items Process eco-inno- Product eco-inno- Organizational
vation vation
Organizational eco-innovation (OR) -0.954
Our firm management often communicates -0.859 195
eco-innovation information with employees.
Our firm management often actively engages in
eco-innovation activities. -0.750

Our firm management often collects informa-
tion on eco-innovation trends.

Our firm management often invests a high ratio
of R&D in eco-innovation.

Our firm management often communicates ex-
periences among various departments involved
in eco-innovation.

Our firm management often uses novel systems
to manage eco-innovation.

N = 223
Extraction Method: Maximum Likelihood
Rotation Method: Oblimin with Kaiser Normalization (absolute factor loadings equal to or
higher than 0.20 displayed)
Bartlett’s test of sphericity: Chi-square = 3297.073; 120 df; sig. = 0.000
Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin measure of sample adequacy = 0.933
Variance explained = 70.513

From Table 54, we can see that two items loaded on two factors, while
the item “The company is using less or non-polluting/toxic materials (i.e.,
using environmentally friendly material)” was more problemating; it not
only loaded on two factors but also had higher loading on the wrong
dimension (i.e., it loaded on the process eco-innovation factor, while it
should load on the product eco-innovation factor). As mentioned, this
item should pertain to the dimension of product eco-innovation, but it
loaded a bit higher on the dimension of process eco-innovation. There-
fore, we decided to eliminate this item. Moreover, the item “The compa-
ny is improving and designing environmentally friendly packaging (e.g.,
using less paper and plastic materials) for existing and new products” also
loaded on two factors – product and process eco-innovation. However, it
loaded with a higher value on product eco-innovation, and thus, because
of its importance, it was retained in the further analyses.

We repeated the exploratory factor analysis again (Table 55), elimi-
nating the item “The company is using less or non-polluting/toxic materi-
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