Page 244 - Hojnik, Jana. 2017. In Persuit of Eco-innovation. Drivers and Consequences of Eco-innovation at Firm Level. Koper: University of Primorska Press
P. 244
In Pursuit of Eco-innovation

Measurement items Complete- p Composite AVE Cronbach’s alpha
ly standard- reliability (for construct Growth is
ized load-
given correlation)

Command-and-control instrument (CCI)

3a Our products should 0.87
meet the requirements of
national environmental reg-

3b Our products should 0.91 *
meet the requirements of
international and/or EU en-
vironmental regulations.

3c Our production process- 0.942 0.80 0.946

244 es should meet the require- 0.90 *
ments of national environ-

mental regulations.

3d Our production process- 0.90 *
es should meet the require-
ments of international and/
or EU environmental reg-

Economic incentive instrument (EII)

3e The government pro- 0.84
vides preferential subsidy on
environmental innovation.

3f The government provides

preferential tax policy on 0.96 * 0.848 0.66 0.838

environmental innovation.

3h The government pro- 0.59 *
motes environmental pro-

Customer demand (CD)

4a Environment is a critical 0.91 * 0.940
issue for our important cus- 0.93 0.949 0.82
tomers. 0.88
0.91 *
4b Our important custom-
ers often bring up environ- *
mental issues.

4c Customer demands mo-
tivate us in our environmen-
tal efforts.

4d Our customers have
clear demands regarding en-
vironmental issues.
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