Page 48 - Hojnik, Jana. 2017. In Persuit of Eco-innovation. Drivers and Consequences of Eco-innovation at Firm Level. Koper: University of Primorska Press
P. 48
In Pursuit of Eco-innovation

Table 4: Types of eco-innovation used in previous studies examining more than one eco-
-innovation type

Author, year and Eco-innovation main dimensions
publication name

Eco-product Eco-process Eco-organization-
innovation innovation al innovation
Our unit often em- Our unit often up- Our unit manage-

phasizes developing dates manufacturing ment often:

new eco-products processes to: 1. Uses novel systems

through new tech- 1. Protect against to manage eco-inno-

nologies to: contamination vation

1. Simplify their pack- 2. Meet standards of 2. Collects informa-

aging environmental law tion on eco-innova-

2. Simplify their con- 3. Our unit often in- tion trends

struction troduces new tech- 3. Actively engages

48 Cheng and Shiu 3. Easily recycle their nologies into manu- in eco-innovation ac-
(2012); Technovation components facturing processes tivities
4. Easily decompose to save energy 4. Communicates

their materials 4. Our unit often up- eco-innovation in-

5. Use natural ma- dates equipment in formation with em-

terials manufacturing pro- ployees

6. Reduce damage cesses to save energy 5. Invests a high ratio

by waste as much as of R&D in eco-inno-

possible vation

7. Use as little energy 6. Communicates ex-

as possible periences among var-

ious departments

involved in eco-inno-

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