Page 194 - Čuš, Alenka, et al. ur. (2018). Družbeni in politični procesi v sodobnih slovanskih kulturah, jezikih in literaturah. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem.
P. 194
družbeni in politični procesi v sodobnih slovanskih kultur ah ...
plomirane kulturologinje Vzhodne Azije, oktobra pa začela z doktorskim
študijem Humanistika in družboslovje na Filozofski fakulteti, kjer interdi-
sciplinarno povezuje področji slovanskih jezikov in diplomacije.
Barbara Kopač graduated in International Relations and earned a Master`s
degree in Diplomacy from the Faculty of Social Sciences in Ljubljana.
During her Master`s studies, she enrolled in the Faculty of Arts as a stu-
dent of Slovene language and East Asian Studies. To her knowledge of two
languages she added Swedish, which she upgraded, studying in Sweden in
2015, where she also conducted research. In 2016, she deepened her research
and knowledge while studying Japanese at the University of Tsukuba. In
September 2016, she graduated in East Asian Studies and in October 2016,
she started her PhD in Humanities and Social Sciences at the Faculty of
Arts, combining Slavic languages and diplomacy in interdisciplinary way.
Maja Smotlak je doktorirala leta 2014 na Oddelku za slovenistiko Fakultete
za humanistične študije Univerze na Primorskem. Trenutno je zaposlena
kot raziskovalka na Znanstveno-raziskovalnem središču Koper. Redno piše
literarne kritike za radijsko oddajo Kulturni dogodki Radia Trst A in ob-
časno za revijo Mladika.
Maja Smotlak received her PhD in 2014 at the Department of Slovene
Studies, Faculty of Humanities, University of Primorska. Currently she
is working as a researcher at the Science and Research Centre Koper. She
regularly writes literary critiques for the radio show Kulturni dogodki at
Radio Trst A and occasionally for the magazine Mladika.
Rok Andres je doktorski študent študijskega programa Humanistika na
Fakulteti za podiplomski študij Univerze v Novi Gorici. Leta 2014 je diplo-
miral na oddelku za dramaturgijo AGRFT. Kot asistent in dramaturg je de-
loval pri uprizoritvah v slovenskih gledaliških hišah. Redno piše strokov-
na in znanstvena besedila za gledališke liste in druge publikacije. Zaposlen
je kot asistent, mladi raziskovalec na Univerzi v Novi Gorici, kjer se posve-
ča dramatiki in gledališču.
Rok Andres is a PhD candidate at the Humanities program at the Graduate
School of the University of Nova Gorica. In 2014, he graduated from the
Department of Dramaturgy at the Academy for Theatre, Radio, Film and
Television in Ljubljana. As an assistant and dramaturge he participated in
theatre productions in various Slovenian theatre houses. He is an author
of expert and technical articles in various theatrical and other publicati-
plomirane kulturologinje Vzhodne Azije, oktobra pa začela z doktorskim
študijem Humanistika in družboslovje na Filozofski fakulteti, kjer interdi-
sciplinarno povezuje področji slovanskih jezikov in diplomacije.
Barbara Kopač graduated in International Relations and earned a Master`s
degree in Diplomacy from the Faculty of Social Sciences in Ljubljana.
During her Master`s studies, she enrolled in the Faculty of Arts as a stu-
dent of Slovene language and East Asian Studies. To her knowledge of two
languages she added Swedish, which she upgraded, studying in Sweden in
2015, where she also conducted research. In 2016, she deepened her research
and knowledge while studying Japanese at the University of Tsukuba. In
September 2016, she graduated in East Asian Studies and in October 2016,
she started her PhD in Humanities and Social Sciences at the Faculty of
Arts, combining Slavic languages and diplomacy in interdisciplinary way.
Maja Smotlak je doktorirala leta 2014 na Oddelku za slovenistiko Fakultete
za humanistične študije Univerze na Primorskem. Trenutno je zaposlena
kot raziskovalka na Znanstveno-raziskovalnem središču Koper. Redno piše
literarne kritike za radijsko oddajo Kulturni dogodki Radia Trst A in ob-
časno za revijo Mladika.
Maja Smotlak received her PhD in 2014 at the Department of Slovene
Studies, Faculty of Humanities, University of Primorska. Currently she
is working as a researcher at the Science and Research Centre Koper. She
regularly writes literary critiques for the radio show Kulturni dogodki at
Radio Trst A and occasionally for the magazine Mladika.
Rok Andres je doktorski študent študijskega programa Humanistika na
Fakulteti za podiplomski študij Univerze v Novi Gorici. Leta 2014 je diplo-
miral na oddelku za dramaturgijo AGRFT. Kot asistent in dramaturg je de-
loval pri uprizoritvah v slovenskih gledaliških hišah. Redno piše strokov-
na in znanstvena besedila za gledališke liste in druge publikacije. Zaposlen
je kot asistent, mladi raziskovalec na Univerzi v Novi Gorici, kjer se posve-
ča dramatiki in gledališču.
Rok Andres is a PhD candidate at the Humanities program at the Graduate
School of the University of Nova Gorica. In 2014, he graduated from the
Department of Dramaturgy at the Academy for Theatre, Radio, Film and
Television in Ljubljana. As an assistant and dramaturge he participated in
theatre productions in various Slovenian theatre houses. He is an author
of expert and technical articles in various theatrical and other publicati-