Page 196 - Čuš, Alenka, et al. ur. (2018). Družbeni in politični procesi v sodobnih slovanskih kulturah, jezikih in literaturah. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem.
P. 196
družbeni in politični procesi v sodobnih slovanskih kultur ah ...
no slovensko poezijo na Fakulteti za podiplomski študij Univerze v Novi
Mateja Eniko studied Slovenian studies and comparative literature at the
Faculty of Arts in Ljubljana. She graduated in 2010 with the thesis Humour
and irony in the poetry of Milan Jesih under the supervision of dr. Irena
Novak Popov and dr. Matevž Kos. During the school year 2010/2011 she
worked as an assistant for the Slovene language in Austrian Carinthia.
Since 2009 she has been an associate of the Centre for Slovene as a Second
and Foreign Language. Since 2014 she has been working at the University
of Nova Gorica as a junior researcher and a teaching assistant in literatu-
re. She is a PhD student at the Graduate School of the University of Nova
Gorica and she is researching contemporary Slovene poetry under the su-
pervision of ddr. Irena Avsenik Nabergoj.
Jernej Kusterle, magister profesor slovenistike, doktorski študent na
Podiplomski šoli ZRC SAZU, je diplomiral z delom Strukturalna po-
etika ulične poezije, magistriral pa z delom Teorija slovenske ulične po-
ezije in družbeni kontekst, za katerega je v letu 2016 prejel študentsko
Prešernovo nagrado. Ob tem je ulično poezijo utemeljil tudi v znanstve-
nih člankih: Stilistika ulične poezije (Primerjalna književnost 37.1; 109–
124), Zgodovinski in tipološki pregled ulične poezije (Jezik in slovstvo 59.4;
97–110), Ulična poezija v interakciji z (živim) jezikom (Jezikoslovni zapi-
ski 20.1; 93–105), Vplivi spleta na slovensko ulično poezijo (Slavistična re-
vija 63.4; 419–430) in Afirmacija spleta v ulični poeziji (Filološke pripombe
2016 (Prvi zvezek); 222–236).
Jernej Kusterle is a master's degree professor of Slovenian studies and PhD
student at the Postgraduate school of ZRC SAZU with a thesis entitled
Structural Poetics of Street Poetry, and earned a master's degree for a the-
sis entitled Theory of Slovenian Street Poetry and Social Context, for whi-
ch he got a Prešeren award for students (2016). In addition he has publi-
shed several learned articles on street poetry: The Stylistics of Street Poetry
(Primerjalna književnost 37.1; 109–124), A Historical and Typological
Overview of Street Poetry (Jezik in slovstvo 59.4; 97–110), Street Poetry
in Interaction with (Living) Language (Jezikoslovni zapiski 20.1; 93–105),
Influences of the Internet on Slovene Street Poetry (Slavistična revija 63.4;
419–430) and Affirmation of Internet in Street Poetry (Philological studies
2016 (Issue 1); 222–236).
no slovensko poezijo na Fakulteti za podiplomski študij Univerze v Novi
Mateja Eniko studied Slovenian studies and comparative literature at the
Faculty of Arts in Ljubljana. She graduated in 2010 with the thesis Humour
and irony in the poetry of Milan Jesih under the supervision of dr. Irena
Novak Popov and dr. Matevž Kos. During the school year 2010/2011 she
worked as an assistant for the Slovene language in Austrian Carinthia.
Since 2009 she has been an associate of the Centre for Slovene as a Second
and Foreign Language. Since 2014 she has been working at the University
of Nova Gorica as a junior researcher and a teaching assistant in literatu-
re. She is a PhD student at the Graduate School of the University of Nova
Gorica and she is researching contemporary Slovene poetry under the su-
pervision of ddr. Irena Avsenik Nabergoj.
Jernej Kusterle, magister profesor slovenistike, doktorski študent na
Podiplomski šoli ZRC SAZU, je diplomiral z delom Strukturalna po-
etika ulične poezije, magistriral pa z delom Teorija slovenske ulične po-
ezije in družbeni kontekst, za katerega je v letu 2016 prejel študentsko
Prešernovo nagrado. Ob tem je ulično poezijo utemeljil tudi v znanstve-
nih člankih: Stilistika ulične poezije (Primerjalna književnost 37.1; 109–
124), Zgodovinski in tipološki pregled ulične poezije (Jezik in slovstvo 59.4;
97–110), Ulična poezija v interakciji z (živim) jezikom (Jezikoslovni zapi-
ski 20.1; 93–105), Vplivi spleta na slovensko ulično poezijo (Slavistična re-
vija 63.4; 419–430) in Afirmacija spleta v ulični poeziji (Filološke pripombe
2016 (Prvi zvezek); 222–236).
Jernej Kusterle is a master's degree professor of Slovenian studies and PhD
student at the Postgraduate school of ZRC SAZU with a thesis entitled
Structural Poetics of Street Poetry, and earned a master's degree for a the-
sis entitled Theory of Slovenian Street Poetry and Social Context, for whi-
ch he got a Prešeren award for students (2016). In addition he has publi-
shed several learned articles on street poetry: The Stylistics of Street Poetry
(Primerjalna književnost 37.1; 109–124), A Historical and Typological
Overview of Street Poetry (Jezik in slovstvo 59.4; 97–110), Street Poetry
in Interaction with (Living) Language (Jezikoslovni zapiski 20.1; 93–105),
Influences of the Internet on Slovene Street Poetry (Slavistična revija 63.4;
419–430) and Affirmation of Internet in Street Poetry (Philological studies
2016 (Issue 1); 222–236).