Page 117 - Petelin, Ana, Nejc Šarabon, eds. 2018. Zdravje starostnikov ▪︎ Health of the Elderly. Zbornik povzetkov z recenzijo ▪︎ Book of Abstracts. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem/University of Primorska Press
P. 117
efits and barriers of telemedicine in home care starostnikom prilagojene ikt rešitve in storitve | ict solutions and services tailored for the elderly
Alenka Oven
Inštitut za dolgotrajno oskrbo, Mesarska cesta 36, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
Introduction: Aging society, the emergence of new diseases, long queues and
awareness of individuals emphasize technology development in the field of
Methods: This study is based on historical method, a descriptive-analytical
method, a method of joint implementation and an inductive and deductive
method of research.
Results: Benefits of telemedicine are access to care, equity, patient-cen-
teredness, quality of care, prevention of stigmatization, the ability to change
the way healthcare is delivered by stimulating all involved stakeholders to criti-
cally think about how they deliver or receive care. Barriers of telemedicine are
lack of financial incentives, lack of stakeholder support, lack of motivation and
ability to use technology, lack of legal basis, lack of standardization.
Discussion and conclusions: The development of technology in home care puts
the individual and his needs at the forefront. Telemedicine is going to develop
and advance with fast pace and its benefits will increase exponentially as the
current mind set about caring is also changing drastically. What we must accept
is that telemedicine is not a replacement for health service, but merely a series
of tools that can enhance and improve the health care delivery.
Key words: telemedicine, care, home enviroment

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