Page 31 - Kukanja Gabrijelčič, Mojca, and Maruška Seničar Željeznov, eds. 2018. Teaching Gifted and Talented Children in A New Educational Era. Koper: University of Primorska Press.
P. 31
Contributors of High Achieving Students’ Linguistic Competence

projects emerges, which contribute to the activation and development of
the students’ research and problem solving skills.

Limitations and Future Research
The most important limitation of the current study is the fact that in Greece
there are no formal/standardized assessment criteria yet on identifying high
abilities and gifted characteristics/features (Gari, 2007), which would act as
a control group. Such a comparison with a control group might contribute
to the development of relevant research but also the formation of an over-
all supportive educational policy (e.g. development of curriculum differen-
tiation parameters) extremely difficult. Also, the geographic dispersion and
the sample size might limit the findings’ generalization. Thus, changes in stu-
dents’ selection criterion and in the sample range may have had a significant
influence on the results.

Future research should focus on determining the influence of specific fac-
tors (e.g. school culture) on high achieving students’ creativity features. Also,
a need for further investigation on the relationship of creativity to linguistic
competence emerged in order for these relationship to be generalized. Fi-
nally, the findings of the current study call for a more thorough investigation
on the contribution of motivation to high achieving students’ writing com-

This research was supported by the Greek State Scholarship Foundation to the
first author.

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